Responses: 4
While I don't agree with harassing people, or threatening them, or attempting to murder them, I also kind of think they were living in a pipe dream thinking coming out in Ky would be 100% accepted. Sure its Amazon that doesn't mean every person that works for Amazon is a progressive thinker. The managers should have ended the behavior that's what they are there for. if your company has a policy then enforce it or get a new job. So on that note I hope they win their law suit, seems on the surface to be warranted. I don't think the larger Amazon company is at fault just the managers at that center.
In other news I caught this part "ADA comes into play in this case because Schawe-Lane's status as a transgender woman was perceived her employers as a disability" and I cant help but think of Trump and his statement. While I have no issue with Trans I do question a few things about Trans serving, especially in combat units. 1: If being Trans is a ADA Disability... how are they fit to serve? 2: If 80% of the 18 to 26 year old Trans people contemplate or attempt suicide, (which precluded you from service) how is giving them a gun and placing them in a high stress environment in their best interest? If a Trans person can not accept themselves for who they were born as why do they demand everyone else accept them for who they wish to think they are?
I'm not being mean, or trying to disrespect trans people. I have said it before the worst war is the one fought in your own mind. We in the Military have received our marching orders and now must find a way to resolve the issues that will come from this policy. I just think my three questions warrant some thought.
While I don't agree with harassing people, or threatening them, or attempting to murder them, I also kind of think they were living in a pipe dream thinking coming out in Ky would be 100% accepted. Sure its Amazon that doesn't mean every person that works for Amazon is a progressive thinker. The managers should have ended the behavior that's what they are there for. if your company has a policy then enforce it or get a new job. So on that note I hope they win their law suit, seems on the surface to be warranted. I don't think the larger Amazon company is at fault just the managers at that center.
In other news I caught this part "ADA comes into play in this case because Schawe-Lane's status as a transgender woman was perceived her employers as a disability" and I cant help but think of Trump and his statement. While I have no issue with Trans I do question a few things about Trans serving, especially in combat units. 1: If being Trans is a ADA Disability... how are they fit to serve? 2: If 80% of the 18 to 26 year old Trans people contemplate or attempt suicide, (which precluded you from service) how is giving them a gun and placing them in a high stress environment in their best interest? If a Trans person can not accept themselves for who they were born as why do they demand everyone else accept them for who they wish to think they are?
I'm not being mean, or trying to disrespect trans people. I have said it before the worst war is the one fought in your own mind. We in the Military have received our marching orders and now must find a way to resolve the issues that will come from this policy. I just think my three questions warrant some thought.
PFC Lisa McDonald
Being a transsexual or transvestite is not considered being disabled under the ADA.
Being transgender is and transgender activist wanted it. I fought it and the adoption of the word transgender and still do.
At this point I removing all LGBT self- identified personnel as domestic enenemies.
Point to this, point to Chelsea Manning and other incidents and get rid of them.
Them pick off the religious nutbags who want America's laws to reflect their religion.
Being transgender is and transgender activist wanted it. I fought it and the adoption of the word transgender and still do.
At this point I removing all LGBT self- identified personnel as domestic enenemies.
Point to this, point to Chelsea Manning and other incidents and get rid of them.
Them pick off the religious nutbags who want America's laws to reflect their religion.

Court: Transgender people can sue under ADA
A U.S. court has ruled transgender people can sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act despite the law's exclusion of claims based on gender identity.
CPO (Join to see)
PFC Lisa McDonald - The point I was trying to make was if it is defined as a disability then how can serve in the military. We don't let the half blind in, the fully blind, the wheel chair bound, flat foot, or any number of a thousand disabilities in.... So how can they claim they are disabled yet still fit to fight? More to the point how can we in good conscious give people weapons and subject them to high amounts of stress knowing that they have a higher than average suicide rate and tendency's? In Manning's case it was not about being trans, it was about not being allowed to be openly gay. He was not handing out classified data due to some Nobel cause he was doing it as retaliation for his boyfriend leaving him because he was in the closet. He is a traitor. I have had the pleasure of working with several gays and lesbians, both before the repeal of DODT and after, ALL save one have been dam fine sailors. I do not have any issues with peoples sexual orientation, I take issue with peoples mental stability. If someone is a known head case or on the far end of a potential head case it is not in their or the military's best interest to place them in the stressful environment we call home. To be honest I have found the Lesbian women less emotional than the gay men and easer to work with. The gay men try to hard to be feminine, and bitch worse than a valley girl running out of lip stick. lol.
I think people should live their lives as they wish with the simple rule, don't make me pay for it, don't demand I approve of it, don't pass laws that push it. If more people just stayed in their lanes the world would be a nicer place.
I think people should live their lives as they wish with the simple rule, don't make me pay for it, don't demand I approve of it, don't pass laws that push it. If more people just stayed in their lanes the world would be a nicer place.
CPO (Join to see)
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff - Iv encountered them in the Military and before that when I was a Chef in the Civi world. Some very flamboyant waiters out there lol. I will have to find the article where I read about manning it was a very long time ago, and was manning's own words. Something on the lines of "I was in a horrible place and stress and my boyfriend was pressuring me" If I remember correctly. Manning might have been in a dysfunctional unit but that's no reason to commit treason. Obama letting manning off was a treasonous act as far as I care.
The Article your ref I didn't post and haven't read. I read the original post where it was said
"ADA comes into play in this case because Schawe-Lane's status as a transgender woman was perceived her employers as a disability"
So Amazon perceived her Transgender status as an ADA issue and I didn't see any where it was disputed. While I hope they do sue and win, as Amazons local leadership in this case was lacking and I hope they take a step further in that the police did not seem to investigate who attempted to murder them by cutting their break lines.
I really don't care about peoples personal lives or who they do, or what group they prescribe to, I simply don't want our Tax dollars to pay for it, and I don't want the Military to be a social experiment.
The Article your ref I didn't post and haven't read. I read the original post where it was said
"ADA comes into play in this case because Schawe-Lane's status as a transgender woman was perceived her employers as a disability"
So Amazon perceived her Transgender status as an ADA issue and I didn't see any where it was disputed. While I hope they do sue and win, as Amazons local leadership in this case was lacking and I hope they take a step further in that the police did not seem to investigate who attempted to murder them by cutting their break lines.
I really don't care about peoples personal lives or who they do, or what group they prescribe to, I simply don't want our Tax dollars to pay for it, and I don't want the Military to be a social experiment.
Suing under the ADA also. One more reason to kick those who self- identify as an umbrella term out of the military
So insane they have to call themselves an umbrella term created by autogynephillic transvestites to help them get off sexually!
So insane they have to call themselves an umbrella term created by autogynephillic transvestites to help them get off sexually!
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