Posted on Feb 9, 2018
Low Discipline in New Soldiers Prompts Army to Redesign Basic Training
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 7
Even with two wars that lasted over a decade (and lets be honest, neither of them are even over, no matter what they want to call them) they still let Training turn "soft" and are only just now realizing that the quality of Soldiers is poor because of it? They handcuffed Drill Sergeants because of a few isolated failures, focused more on new uniforms every couple of years, and Power Point people to death over SHARP and EO instead of building Soldiers who are ready to succeed in battle.
The mindset of "The military is just like any other job and we should treat people as such" really did a number on our fighting forces. If you want hardened, disciplined Soldiers ready to pick up arms and kill other Soldiers you need the training to reflect the kind of struggle both physically and mentally that it's going to take to accomplish that.
The mindset of "The military is just like any other job and we should treat people as such" really did a number on our fighting forces. If you want hardened, disciplined Soldiers ready to pick up arms and kill other Soldiers you need the training to reflect the kind of struggle both physically and mentally that it's going to take to accomplish that.
The article sounds like a needed improvement. We have lost a lot of our decorum and discipline. I hope this helps. It will also provide a greater boost to resilience and mental fortitude. With that said, hand grenade qualification and land nav should remain part of Combat Arms OSUT. We don’t need cooks and pay clerks QUALIFIED on hand grenades, but ground combat units should.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
With all due respect Sir, in my opinion, EVERYONE, should be trained in all the basics of combat, regardless of MOS, because we, all of us, are our Country's Defense and should be at least prepared for that, even if you are a cook or office worker, you might in a field if battle, be the last one standing to fight.
CPT Nicholas D.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D - I agree 100% that everyone should be trained on all the basics of combat, regardless of MOS. Yes. The article stated that Hand Grenade Qualification and Land Nav were removed from Basic Combat Training (BCT) as GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS. My statement was that I believe that it should still be a GRADUATION REQUIREMENT for One-Station-Unit-Training (OSUT) courses for Combat Arms. This is why I emphasized the word "QUALIFIED." Combat Support and Service Support positions should absolutely be trained in the tools on the battlefield. But the complaint the article echoed was that it was taking up an excessive amount of time away from other training events. No offense intended for CS and CSS jobs. Just stressing the imperative for positions that will actually see these weapons again in their future professions in the US Military, QUALIFICATION is essential, not just training.
Well, it’s about time!
Basic Training should mean just that!
(I am an ‘old school Army Veteran; therefore, I am definitely biased!)
Basic Training should mean just that!
(I am an ‘old school Army Veteran; therefore, I am definitely biased!)
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