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Responses: 5
Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
Lt Col Charlie Brown - She should not be on the Supreme Court IMHO! She is too soft on Crime! I bet if she had been attacked on the streets of D.C. that she would rapidly change her tune... Just saying...
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Sgt Self Employed
I think it was pretty much a given that the Democrats will push her through being that she fills a certain quota that they wanna see. Add in the fact that she seems to be hard-left, we're in a world of hurt.

"She's only actually published a single decision as an appellate judge..."

FN Steven Santucci
FN Steven Santucci
>1 y
It is a little hard to understand because we are not used to it, so here is a website. Different country's uses different systems, they don't use insurance companies. This will explain it better.
Sgt Self Employed
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>1 y
FN Steven Santucci - Ok, so now you're not answering either question.
FN Steven Santucci
FN Steven Santucci
>1 y
OMG, excuse the forwardness, not trying to rude but are you that dumb??? What answer do you want me to give or do you want me to read what's in the websites??????? Please Read the sites. Different country's use different types of health care. Italy France use different types of single payer, they incorporate different outside things so everybody can afford health care. Its hard to give you a name because its called different. I can tell you Affordable Health Care is one name. I have tried to explain Kodak they way it happened I LIVE IN ROCHESTER, I DON'T NEED OUTSIDE INTERPRETATIONS ON WHAT HAPPENED. PEOPLE i KNOW WORKED THERE, SAW IT ON THE NEWS AND I SAW THE RESULTS.
Sgt Self Employed
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>1 y
FN Steven Santucci - This isn't Italy or France. Or even any other country in Europe. Which private company, with no ties to the insurance companies do you propose is going to be running our healthcare here? I don't give a shit what Italy is doing. Italy has a population of 60m. We have 330m. That's a big difference.
If the government is mandating the coverage that you must have (like a single male having to carry maternity coverage), how do you propose that's going to work?

You didn't try to explain what happened to Kodak, you just blamed it on Republicans.

And by the way, affordable healthcare does not equal quality healthcare. You get what you pay for.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
I believe it’s been amply proven her woke thought process gives much shorter sentences to criminals. This is the same thought process that has our Country suffering rising crime rates in Progressive Marxist Democrat run cities.
FN Steven Santucci
FN Steven Santucci
>1 y
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