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Responses: 10
Cpl Vic Burk
Lt Col Charlie Brown I don't normally believe polls since they can be skewed but this one I think is reliable.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
8 mo
OBIDEN just wants the ILLEGALS to cast YOUR ballot, OK???
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
8 mo
Amn Roger Omberg -
Opinion or a Fact?
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
7 mo
FACT! San Fransicko, has already hired an ILLEGAL TO BE added to their ELECTION board LOL.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
7 mo
Amn Roger Omberg -
YUP ~~ There It Is, Already On The Web ~~
The San Francisco Elections Commission, responsible for overseeing the city’s Department of Elections, recently got a new member who is also an illegal immigrant! Kelly Wong, an immigrant...
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GySgt Jack Wallace
In Biden case it is..Most of the time he's lost for sure.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
8 mo
Been there, done that!
GySgt Jack Wallace
GySgt Jack Wallace
8 mo
Amn Roger Omberg - I'am catching up, I think ? What was I going to do???
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
8 mo
You have a point there. Great to hear from You, Gunny.
GySgt Jack Wallace
GySgt Jack Wallace
7 mo
Amn Roger Omberg - You to brother. Be safe, be Blessed.
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MSgt Dale Johnson
I don't think either of them are Fit.
GySgt Jack Wallace
GySgt Jack Wallace
8 mo
Amn Roger Omberg - I bet most of the funds were from....China???
Note; I bet most of us Vets have some kind of secret clearance or higher. With that being said, I'am sure None of us have boxes of classified materials stowaway..And if one has, just say," I plead the Biden Amendment", I 'am old, I must have forgotten and I 'am sorry.
How do you like me Now.....
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
8 mo
EXACTLEY, SEMPER FI! DO you mean the ones from the SENATE skiff?? Missing??
CHINA, YES. kick backs for large American land sales, American Food suppliers., shit like that!
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
8 mo
The only Airplane HE fly's is Air Force one, but they had to make Him come down the child's ram, the Adult ramp is too dangerous.
Amn Roger Omberg
Amn Roger Omberg
7 mo
I have one other question concerning the secure Paperworks that President Trump took, if there is a LAW in place as MR TRUMP says, why was this law NOT followed by this BANANA REPUBLIC WH? Either the PRESIDENT Followed the Law or HE didn't, & if HE didn't, then just who in the HELL failed, MR TRUMP????? AND furthermore, I can personally say that concerning MY security clearance, all of MY papers were in order, or YOU don't go past GO, that's just the way it is, so I just can't get past this ridiculous idea that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES CANT TAKE WITH HIM articles, which are declared secret, which, He himself has the lawful authority to declassify, so there is a lot of BULLSHIT on this & it stinks to high heaven. I have to say someone in the WH has allowed this debacle to get out of hand, & they need to be taken to task. WE CANT play around with this secret stuff!
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