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Responses: 4
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
Sorry not gonna click on a nazi site link. They don't need the numbers of views and I don't need that kind of spam. For the racist groups just remember, what do you expect from an asshole but shit. Reading their shit and letting them affect how you feel gives them power over you. I am not willing to let people like that have any power over me or how I feel. If racist, anarchist or other groups like antifa start taking over the country then it'll be time for a little more action but at this pont it is loonies who enjoy fighting and spreading hate and discontent. We should not give them any more press.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
What are these people from the 1800's?
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
MSgt (Join to see) You would think! I swear they are still fighting the civil war! I suspect inbreading! My grandparents were actually illegally married back in the 1940's my mother didn't even know who her grandfather was until she was a teen. He was not pleased that his red headed fair skinned blue eyed Irish daughter brought home that "n"! But my great grandmas 2nd husband was the best grandfather to my mom. My grandpa was only 1/4 black and 1/4 Native American but any amount of black was unacceptable in the 40's. He claimed Indian but it was still illegal so they had to go across state lines to Indian territory to get married and live there. I only moved back here to take care of my parents who are in very poor health. As soon as they pass we will be moving out of this state.
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
MSgt (Join to see) just an FYI we do have a chapter of the confederate white knights of the kkk in this town I live in also but they don't have a public website, here is an article about Arkansas sundown towns and my town is Greenwood mentioned in the last article [http://www.encyclopediaofarkansas.net/encyclopedia/entry-detail.aspx?entryid=3658] people don't know I have black in me, I didn't know until I was an adult. But because we adopted a black child we have become pariahs in this town, not that I would want to associate with these people anyway.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
7 y
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt - I do not know about Arkansas, but in Michigan you can have the Sheriff deliver a "no-trespass, post no bill" order. Then they nor anyone acting on their behalf can deliver their trash rag.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
Don't blame all Muslims for jihadists. Don't blame all black for BLM. But blame all white non-progressive democrats for a handful of nazi tools. Got it.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
I don't think he's talking about you personally but more like some in the media.
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
MSgt (Join to see) This article was not from the media, that is why I take it as a personal attack. I am not the media and I do my research. I utlize VPN software and other means taught to me by my "geek" nephew to safely be able to do my own research to avoid posting anything fake. If I do accidentally get caught up in something fake I am willing to admit that and call it for what it is. I have said from day one like everyone else that the deplorables are these people. Hillary said it too. She said there were 2 baskets and the other was good hard working people that felt leftbehind and forgotten. No one heard that because once they heard deplorable they decided to automatically own that part.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
I refused to vote for Hillary because she was corrupt and because I refused to vote for someone just because she was the same gender as me. She originally said HALF his supporters were deplorables not just racist and sexist but also the term "you name it". I'd like to know what she meant by that term. I don't feel like the other group she described fits me either because I don't feel like the economy, government etc let me down. I do quite well for myself. I guess that makes me by default part of the "you name it". I wanted lower taxes and less government regulation. See, because she qualified the second part, those of us who didn't fit that part got thrown in with the basket of deplorables too. Not cool. Democrats want me to vote for a female? run Tammy Duckworth. Don't run Warren she is a fraud too.
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
MSgt (Join to see) She made the statement that there were 2 baskets from the beginning. It was just not aired by MSM. I don't believe that you ever fell into that other basket either. I believe that you fell into the frustrated basket from the get go. I actually know HRC and I also know many of the republican leaders. My father was appointed to Asa Hutchinson's DEA task force and he also worked with Clinton when he was AG and Govener. The whole Mena scandal was all about the Iran Contra scandal (there was a brief mention of it during the Ollie North testimony. The Govenor that Clinton beat was a card carying member of the kkk and so were many of the people at the time who were going after them. They were the only ones who didn't make money on the whitewater scandal because they didn't put much money in and they were actually scammed too. The wonderful southern women from this state with the sticks up their arses never liked her because she didn't quit working and become a proper hostess and First Lady of the state they felt like it was discrasefull! I worked for Juanita Broderick and yes she slept with Bill Clinton but she did it willingly, Norma hated it and hated him because he had commuted her father's murderer from the death penalty to life without parole. The entire case of the little girl that was raped HRC only did her job. The girls mom screwed up that case. She made a huge mess of it. she was telling her daughter what to say and making her daughter lie. Then she wanted the state to drop the case all together they were lucky to get the charges they did. HRC wanted him to get more time and she was pissed that after she agreed to a plea bargain for 5 years that the judge dropped it down to nothing. The Melton family, the kkk governor and Jerry Falwell all were in on the Jones scandle and paid off the troopers, this information came out in 99 after the impeachment. They also produced and distributed the first movie "the Clinton Chronicles" With Melton playing the blacked out man that was "afraid for his life" at the sugestion of Jerry Falwell. Jerry fallwell has spent millions in the 70's on advertising to convince everyone that Jimmy carter was a satin worshiper! I also know that when I worked humantiarian missions in port au prince we had to pay every Haitian official out of our own pockets to get anything done. We had bodies stacking up and we could not get them to take them unless we paid every person involved. They say that money was for a hospital? No the money for the hospital was to come from France the US and a few other countries. The money from the Clinton foundation was for medication, equipment and supplies and infrastructure including power stations that did happen.

There was so much misinformation and flat out lies that were out there that it was hard to see that some could get caught up into thinking she was corrupt. But he has always been corrupt and a racist but the fake news was presented as fact and the facts were presented to us as fake. The truth is this is a war that has actually been a war that the kkk and the White supremist started against the Clinton's 40 years ago.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Nazis are far left. Just right if Stalin. Silly.
M. Morris RVT
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
I agree that you have deplorables on both extremes of the left and right. The further people get away from the center the more radical their ideas become. The people that follow Jill Stein and some of the Bernie bunch were on the fringe also
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
We need a middle of the road party.
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
7 y
Yes! That is where I sit!
SGT Anna Kleinschmidt
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