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Responses: 5
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
6 y
That song is hilarious, thanks needed a laugh
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SSG Warren Swan
Hmmm let's be honest here, who actually would Rodger up and say "it was be"? The bigger issue isn't who said it vs. the fact that the OpEd wasn't that far off in it's points. Almost everything in it was said before, in some cases on air, and in other books. Folks need to get over the political side of this and acknowledge folks DO speak in every administration, and not every conversation is going to be a positive one about the President or whoever it is. Obama was not widely liked by everyone who served under him, and a few who quit (Van Jones) did speak in a not so positive light initially.
It happened. Get over it (that's a phrase I hear a lot). Find out what the real problems are and fix it. It's not "treason" either.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
6 y
If it were my employee, I would fire them, and so will he, if he can find out who he is. I have no doubt of that, nor would I blame him--I would expect him to. Yes, I read it several times and I believe you have misquoted the author (unless there is something I'm missing). It says "That is why many Trump appointees have vowed to do what we can to preserve our democratic institutions while thwarting Mr. Trump’s more misguided impulses until he is out of office." That's different from thwarting his agenda. I believe the author's whole point is they are trying to help him accomplish his agenda that he was voted in for, and keep him from going off the rails. The voting public doesn't want decisions that will create a national security crisis, and it sounds like there have been several they have protected him from. I also believe it's not just one writer, but several who have gotten together to pen this because they are so concerned about his erratic behavior. I think they actually like DT the person but realize there is something seriously wrong here. I have a friend who has a friend (that I don't know personally) who says it's just as chaotic as possible. They did a job fair on the quiet just to get staff to work there. Most who know how to run things don't last, so it's constant turnover. Can you imagine how some of them feel? If they dare tell him he's wrong, he will malign them on twitter (I don't know why that would hurt so bad though). I understand your point, and it is a good one. On the other hand, it is clear there is a real problem, and this employee(s) did not take a pledge of loyalty to him. If this were Hillary, I'd feel the same way. BTW, I have looked at several videos of the younger DT, and it would not surprise me to learn later he has a serious medical condition. I always like to hear your perspective on things.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
Susan Foster - "In October 2017, BuzzFeed News reported that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Tillerson had forged a "suicide pact," whereby all three agreed to leave if Trump fired one of them". This was earlier this year, when it was widely known that Tillerson was at odds with Trump and was canned.

There will be conspiracy theorists who will go over this hand and foot to "root" out the problem, but one name does make a bit of sense in this NYT piece. Kellyanne Conway or her husband. Her husband has been a rather vocal critic of Trump for quite some time, so nothing new there. His tweets have gotten her into trouble and she's had to stave off the press, fake being shocked and appalled the subject was even brought up, and she is a true insider, she is a senior level staffer, and has access to not only the President, but the Vice President also. It's been said that some of the wording in it was directly attribute to the VP in the past. Who would know these things but a senior level person....or their spouse? Her husband isn't worried about his or her future with this administration. If he was, the tweets he sends out wouldn't ever see the light of day. He used to delete them when she dug in his ass. Now he stands tall on his own, and she's not going against him. Anyone in the cabinet could've wrote this, but only a few have the ability to add or remove documents or speak to legislators behind the scenes. You could count the number of folks who have that clout on two hands, and a few are elected officials. I think the oped has a lot of truth in it, when you look back at things that have been said, are being said, and those who've been canned or promoted due to rampant change in this administration. Should this person come forward? If what you're doing is truly for the betterment of the COUNTRY rather than YOURSELF, you're doing not only the country a favor, but the world too.

If the CIA named everyone who affects change for this country in silence, the CIA would be no more. They work in silence making what I hope is a positive outcome for this nation. For the mole in the WH, do your thing, but be ready to stand tall when the piper comes. Nothing stays a secret in DC for long. The CIA is my example. There are LOADS of other lettered places that do the same.


Susan Foster
Susan Foster
6 y
SSG Warren Swan - I totally agree with you. And I believe the author (or authors) really believe they are doing their best for the country. I have decided it's Michele, who wrote it for Melania, and she called the NYT. And yes, that's a joke.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
6 y
Susan Foster I heard that too, but why would she do that for her, then run it to the Times? Couldn’t Melania just wrote it and possibly gave to a friendly reporter? But like Conway, FLOTUS has unlimited access, but not to take documents off his desk. It’d damn sure would be funny as hell if it was her. I’d stay awake with my popcorn watching all those folks who called out coward and anything else negative to walk back all of it. It’d be priceless to see Fox spin it. Especially Hannity and Carlson
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Maj John Bell
Edited 6 y ago
Amoral? possibly.
Impetuous? undoubtedly.
Petty? Probably.
Ineffective?... Hardly.

If I am not mistaken, there are linguistics experts who can look at a written document, compare it with other documents and by analysis of syntax, grammar, word choice etc. etc. etc. develop a nearly ironclad "fingerprint."
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