Posted on Aug 9, 2019
It's All About the Approach when defending the Second Amendment
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
So, I guess my calling anti 2nd's the Wuss Platoon doesn't bring people's thinking around.
Man, this is truth.
Being a "younger" guy (forty-one this October), I often find myself negotiating between my conservative principles...and my "liberal" ones. In many ways, I'd like to think I'm not all that different from my father, or grandfather...but I also realize that many people my age have a very different perspective. For them, their first introduction to firearms probably wasn't plinking cans with their may very well have been the Columbine shooting. Their first exposure to the history of the Constitution probably wasn't in a classroom where the pledge of allegiance was recited every morning...but they may have had an "active shooter drill" instead. The first time they actually saw a "black rifle" probably wasn't in basic training...but may have been in the hands of officers called in after a mass shooting.
In the end, we have to be sure we're fighting for the right thing...and to my mind, that's the inherent right to self preservation, and the limits of governmental authority laid down in the Constitution. If our political opponents truly believe that the depth of our convictions is expressed in a few brusque tee-shirt slogans, or risque "morale patches"...we're destined for failure. Voters need to see this issue through the lens of truth...that the world is not as safe and wholesome as they'd like to believe, that freedom is a fragile thing, and that the best defense is usually the first defense...the one closest to hand.
Being a "younger" guy (forty-one this October), I often find myself negotiating between my conservative principles...and my "liberal" ones. In many ways, I'd like to think I'm not all that different from my father, or grandfather...but I also realize that many people my age have a very different perspective. For them, their first introduction to firearms probably wasn't plinking cans with their may very well have been the Columbine shooting. Their first exposure to the history of the Constitution probably wasn't in a classroom where the pledge of allegiance was recited every morning...but they may have had an "active shooter drill" instead. The first time they actually saw a "black rifle" probably wasn't in basic training...but may have been in the hands of officers called in after a mass shooting.
In the end, we have to be sure we're fighting for the right thing...and to my mind, that's the inherent right to self preservation, and the limits of governmental authority laid down in the Constitution. If our political opponents truly believe that the depth of our convictions is expressed in a few brusque tee-shirt slogans, or risque "morale patches"...we're destined for failure. Voters need to see this issue through the lens of truth...that the world is not as safe and wholesome as they'd like to believe, that freedom is a fragile thing, and that the best defense is usually the first defense...the one closest to hand.
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