Posted on Dec 3, 2018
Inside Trump's Gitmo, where inmates are aging and funding is scarce
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I have a suggestion, stop all the foolishness and prosecute these prisoners.
PO1 John Johnson
I'll add and do it by a Military Tribunal at GITMO, rather than bringing them back to the States and letting some Legal Aid or ACLU Lawyer turn the trials into complete circuses.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
That's fine for those accused of war crimes, but the current Obama era 2009 Military Commissions Act gives unlawful combatant Islamists who want to kill us (aka "detainees"), virtually the SAME rights you or I would receive in a US Federal court of law! Absurd! Geneva Conventions and Law of War require no such extra legal privileges for unlawful combatants. The rule were written so as to attempt to bring civilizes behavior to war. Those who break the rules get no privileges, unless of course, you are captured by the US, who bend over backwards to give more rights to unlawful combatants than the established law provides even for lawful combatant POW's. It was set up so that if accused of war crimes, a lawful combatant would be tried under the same rules a US soldier would be tried under, and found in the UCMJ. The detainees have practiced lawfare and won.
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