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Responses: 4
Cpl Vic Burk
Lt Col Charlie Brown I'll never understand how politicians think that disarming the honest citizen will solve anything. Criminals will always have their weapon. Our weapons is our only defense.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Lt Col Charlie Brown
>1 y
Criminals DON'T obey gun laws...that's part of what makes them criminals.
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SSgt W. Aaron Gregory
There's roughly 330M people in the U.S. There are an estimated (arguably) 500M firearms in the U.S. There will never be a serious attempt to disarm Americans. Most Americans cannot recall what happened 6 months ago, but all or most remember what happened 246 years ago. I predict that a government that makes an honest attempt to repeal this amendment immediately causes a civil war that makes the 1860's look like a date at Applebee's.
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Sorry, a bozo who has to walk around with open carry weapons DOES NOT make me feel safer. Concealed carry, in your home and secured in your vehicle for transport is fine but your right to act like we're still living in the old west slinging guns infringes on my rights too.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
MSG Joseph Cristofaro Actually the real problem is that criminals don't care about anyone's rights under any Ammendment.
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
>1 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
That's BS and I think you know it. 1. The bill never did that and 2. It wasn't passed. 3. why would we want to create curriculum that "espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels individuals to believe that an individual bears responsibility for, or should be discriminated against or receive adverse treatment because of actions committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, sex or national origin." Do you think that someone who had nothing to do with this nation's dark moments, should be compelled to bear responsibility for those actions? Do you accept responsibility for actions you never took?

So, let me also ask you this? Since this discussion was about guns, I'd like to stay on topic vs the deflection statements about failed FL bills. Should we add a mandatory intro to guns and compel all kids to practice gun safety, and attend range qualification courses? Would this make you feel "comfortable?"
SPC James Neidig
SPC James Neidig
>1 y
Open Carry, Let’s Everyone Know You Have a Gun, Concealed Carry , No One Knows, Therefore the Element of Surprise
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