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Responses: 4
MSgt Dale Johnson
Glad they made a way to select search engine type permanently.
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LTC Marc King
Does Artificial Intelligence produce Artificial outcomes? That is the question I asked my AI App and it told me to F-off! Should I be concerned?
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Edited 4 mo ago
AI is coming. Those search engines that refuse to incorporate it, will become obsolete and disappear. Not only should we all find ways to use and embrace it, but it also wouldn’t hurt to invest in it too. Working in cybersecurity I have taken some time to see its potential and I’m encouraged by what it can do. Yes, like any new technologies, there are areas of concern, but to shun or ignore it only invites threat actors to take advantage of it. Personally, I don’t want to become that senior adult who doesn’t understand current technology like we see all too often today. Google is not the only search engine trying to incorporate AI (see Bing for example). I understand some of it can be annoying, changing what you're used to seeing when you conduct a search, but all this is still new, and companies are still trying to determine how best to introduce it to users and make the user interface more intuitive. Over time, we are going to see some amazing capabilities from AI.
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