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Responses: 1
MSgt Dale Johnson
Edited >1 y ago
When the boys were little we bought a home off base, so they grew up along side silly-villians but we could see Aircraft coming and going about 2 miles off the end of the runway. I like to think they grew up in the best of both. Church and Schools were just a few blocks away and they participated in sports and scouts with their peers off base. they still laugh about some of the camping trips, church trips, and some of the kids they grew up with so IMHO they have wonderful memories.

Wanting to have kids in my first 14 years I did two remote tours and had an extended Long tour to the Phillipines, so my kids were very young when I was gone remote. That allowed me to be involved in Scouts, took Tae Kwon Do classes with them, and any other projects they cared to initiate. If they wanted to do something I made sure they had resources but not to be the "I'll do it" Dad. It was hard to let them fail but that is a lesson kids have to learn.
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