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Responses: 10
SSG Steven Mangus
Easy fix, turn them around and send them south..thanks for coming and please reapply at your country of origin..sorry we have a 90% disapproval rate..
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
Law do matter, even if you do not like them
SSG Steven Mangus
SSG Steven Mangus
6 y
I never said I didn't like them, just come here the right way and there will be no issues..
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
>1 y
Yes, 1SG, laws do matter. That's why our immigration and border control laws need to be strictly enforced. Most of these illegal aliens are not political refugees, they're looking for economic benefits and free social welfare hand-out's. The Democrat-Socialist Party are encouraging this flood. They will try to gain citizenship for illegals who they hope will vote for them and turn Texas and Florida "blue". It's all a cynical ploy to gain political power over federal revenues and keep their "Welfare Empire" running. And all of that will be at the expense of lawful citizens who actually work for a living.
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MSgt George Cater
As a respondent noted in the article, the title itself is misleading and trots off happily down the false news rathole. They aren’t “separated migrant” children. They are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT children forced into a miserable situation by THEIR OWN PARENTS/FAMILIES in an effort to circumvent legal immigration. And the author whines about some children lost in the system. If the open border gang has their way, they will all be lost because they’ll be free to roam the country further flouting the law.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
>1 y
In fact the press is not reporting the entire story. Many of these so-called "separated children" were thrown into false families by people smugglers who are gaming the system. The coyotes create "families" whose DNA samples show they are not related, then send them into dangerous border violation attempts. When they are caught, the press raises an uproar about how cruel the USA must be to separate these poor children from their parents. Trouble is, many times this was not a real family from the start, it was an artificial family created by ruthless people smugglers. But the mostly "progressive" media doesn't report that, they are motivated to attack the US government agencies trying to protect our national orders and security.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Hmmm, almost $800 per day per person was mentioned. Now that’s a gold plated dog cage, or someone is profiteering. Just put it on the tab, along with this. Our indoctrinated kids will cover it.

MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Now, how much for the wall?
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