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Responses: 10
MGySgt Force Readiness Analyst
Edited >1 y ago
This issue is in the courts and many of the judges are already stating it is unconstitutional not to require women to register. You have to remember that this is an election season and the GOP continues to show its cowardice by having the language in the bill to only vote against it. In this case they are after the votes of women. Politicians know the courts will rule in favor of requiring women to register, because the combat exclusion has been lifted, so they will leave it to them avoiding any political fallout.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
Can't blame women, how many women are on the committee that removed the language? I would guess not more than one if any!
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Equality of Opportunity is not the same as Equalness in Burden. Everyone CAN do something is not the same as Everyone SHOULD do something.

When the government places a BURDEN on people, that has nothing to do with Equality. At all. The DRAFT is NOT and Equality issue. We need to get that out of our heads.

The Draft has nothing to do with Equality. The Draft is about Conscription. Conscription is ANTI-FREEDOM. The Government (not the Nation) being able to tell the Citizen they must give up their life has nothing to do with Freedom. It is so anti-freedom (Seizure) there are no words.

But somehow we have linked two unrelated topics together.
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>1 y
PO1 (Anonymous) - Considering the amount of adults within the age eligibility, that is not going to happen since the government is cutting military funding. Making it mandatory would be monetarily impossible in today's political climate not to mention the Navy alone is less than half the size it was while I served.
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