Posted on Jul 30, 2024
Hitler, 1889-1934: The Making Of The Führer | The Hitler Chronicles
Posted 8 mo ago
Responses: 3
Those who call others Nazis and/or Hitler clearly don't know their history
LTC David Brown
I could not agree more. I run across history challenged liberals all the time trying to compare Trump to Hitler and the Germany that fathered Hitler. The only similarity I see is a weak leader. I asked , did America lose a war and have to pay severe war reparations ? No. Does America have 25% unemployment among young workers? No. Does America have rampant inflation? No. Does America have armies ran by political parties fighting in the streets? No. But other than that America is just like pre Nazi Germany.
MAJ Hugh Blanchard
Anyone who doesn't agree with the Demo-Socialist agenda must be awful. So, if you don't agree with Chuck Schumer and Kamala Devi Harris, then you must be Hitler. Nonsense.
One thing I can say for Trump, he has shown me how Hitler did it!
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
You mean like Biden and Kamala just did it subverting the Democratic election process and throwing out 40 Million votes to get the person they want in versus who the people could vote for...took away their mean like that the same way Hitler did it in it now.
Hispanics, Muslims, members of the LGBTQ community. All will be targeted just like the jews were in Nazi Germany. So don’t try and say that trump and his cronies aren’t contemplating doing exactly what hitler did
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CHRISTY MOORE YELLOW TRIANGLE 1996 (Graffiti Tongue album)
During World War 2 concentration camp prisoners had to wear coloured triangles on their clothes thus political prisoners wore red,Jews wore yellow,homosexual...
SrA John Monette
I know that illegal immigration is illegal. But the bans on immigration that frump put on place were illegal. Hence, illegal bans on immigration. But only from certain countries or religions. He wasn’t trying to ban christians from Australia. He was trying to ban Muslims and Chinese
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