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Responses: 4
COL David Turk
Thanks for posting the proposal!

I jumped to the section I’m most familiar with; USACE. Obviously, I disagree with the findings for several reasons (overly simplistic reasoning for one). There is a prevailing reason for not executing the plan as stated. USACE is one of the very few government agencies led by active duty military personnel (primarily Army Engineer Officers). Why? Because, they can be counted on to perform mission critical (and regular) work according to rules and regulations (for the most part). Their contracting division is above board and by the book. They are responsive to congress. They are non-partisan.

This is not the first time USACE has been targeted. Each time, Congress has kept the status quo because they consider USCAE to be the “go to guy”. Since they are led by military officers, congress knows they can hold the leadership accountable, because they hold themselves accountable. Like coming to the rescue of the new VA hospital in Denver (after the VA screwed it up royally), or being called in to rescue a DOE project gone wrong, or taking over all DACA (commissary) projects. This is a very small sample. If anything, congress wants to give more federal work to USACE (and has been doing so).

One other point, USACE has other missions besides Civil Works; e.g., Military Construction and Interagency support, for instance. You would still have a considerable amount of remaining infrastructure, even after removing the civil works portion.

Let’s see how far this gets. (And thanks for letting me vent!)
SCPO Morris Ramsey
SCPO Morris Ramsey
6 y
COL David Turk There is still the possibility that The Corps might be called upon to build the wall. I also think there is a possibility the Seabees might build some of it.
COL David Turk
COL David Turk
6 y
SCPO Morris Ramsey - USACE has been an involved with the wall (and support facilities) for decades. CBP provides the operating parameters to the Corps. Before I retired, USACE had 700 miles to build. They are were reviewing different functional designs. Don’t know the current status, but you can find out on the USACE website.
COL David Turk
COL David Turk
6 y
SCPO Morris Ramsey - USACE has been an involved with the wall (and support facilities) for decades. CBP provides the operating parameters to the Corps. Before I retired, USACE had 700 miles to build. They are were reviewing different functional designs. Don’t know the current status, but you can find out on the USACE website.
COL David Turk
COL David Turk
6 y
SCPO Morris Ramsey - I don’t believe the Seabees would be authorized to do this work (for a few reasons).
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SP5 Mark Kuzinski
Thanks Morris - I need to put on a second pot of coffee and read up on this. Thanks for the post.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Interesting share Morris, thank you.
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