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Responses: 2
LTC Self Employed
What's funny is Pierre the public affairs dummy who was only chosen because she's black and gay and female, keeps lying through her teeth on saying that this is the most unprecedented most best economics ever through the by the administration yet we have over 17% inflation since he took office which is probably affecting those unemployed disadvantaged or minorities worse than anything. The pay raises are not going to keep up with inflation even though Jim went PR liar Pierre keeps saying that wages have never risen so much but they still can't keep up with the inflation.

I would love to see him refute what Larry Kudlow said yesterday.

Some of you won't even read the article and you're scared of Kudlow and you're scared of Dennis Prager. I'm not afraid to read opposition stuff because I want to know what they have to say because sometimes I could be wrong. Many of you radicals here on Rally Point many of you who are the Nazi Joseph Goebel types of protecting Biden at all costs will not read things through. I guess some of you have never taken a debate team where you have to read both sides of the issue and then argue for both sides of the issue. I guess lots of you just believe the stuff. If Judge Janeen made her mistakes, she's not going to run to the corner and cry. She may be mistaken and she may not be purposely withholding information and that's what freedom of speech is supposed to be. If the author of this video is telling the truth, then the truth will eventually get back to her. But you see President biden, the FBI and social media have been Shadow Banning information from alternate points of view for the longest time and now you can't get away with it because Elon Musk ratted you out. President Biden and elements of his Democratic party have censored stuff that's true about covid, the origin of covid and about detrimental stuff against the Biden Administration such as the hunter Biden laptop story which the mainstream media was in bed with to keep under wraps before the election. So big time improvements need to be made because President Biden is destroying America and he hopes that by pinning for president Trump down with all his indictments, that his biggest fear of him running against him will not happen. Mr Magoo is afraid and so are the Democrats who are pulling the strings behind him.


SFC John Davis LTC Trent Klug
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LTC Self Employed
You guys are lying to your teeth. I can't post pictures for some reason from my smartphone. Black unemployment rate in 2019 was 6.1%, 2018 6.5%, 2017 7.5% and in 2016 8.4%,

You guys are just doing damage control because President Biden is doing a bad job. Sure, we may have 3.5% unemployment right now but I'm sure it's not for engineering jobs and welding jobs for building Sea Wolf submarines, I'm sure it's for a lot lower paying jobs and the Auto industry is going to lose 2/3 of their jobs in the next 10 years because they're going all electric. So things are going to get worse before they get better. Maybe 5.3% unemployment right now but Rank and file unemployment is going to go up as part of the soft landing at the Federal Reserve is doing by raising interest rates. People are going to lose their homes, people are going to get their cars repoed, because they can't afford to pay things that go up. If President Biden would have stayed in his dungeon and played video games instead of spending 9 trillion dollars, this economy would be a lot better especially if Vladimir Putin didn't invade the second invasion of ukraine. President Biden being Mr Magoo pulling out of afghanistan, emboldened China and Russia to Gear Up for present and future wars.

President Biden is in trouble. He changed the rules on investigating people through the Federal Reserve but now that the house is Republican and has subpoena power, the tracks he tried to hide are now showing and we now have the proof that he received 5 million dollars for him and $5 million dollars for Hunter Biden that came from the reasonable oil company that President Biden was trying to protect and that's why he had that prosecutor fired otherwise he would not give 1 billion dollars to Ukraine which in itself is a form of bribery. More to follow but it's gone from smoke and no mirrors from Embers to Flame and President Biden and his left-wing media won't be able to hide it much longer. I'm prepared for half of Biden's cabinet to go to jail including President Obama and I'm also prepared for president Trump to go to jail so it's going to be ugly for both parties.

LTC Trent Klug SFC John Davis

This is back in the time when everybody liked him because he didn't defeat democrats. Hanging out with Jesse jackson, Muhammad Ali and other people like Don King and now that president Trump won back at 2016, he is the most hated man on the planet by the zombie Angry World War Z Democrats.

LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
1 y
Remember, it's all about projecting. Biden has a brain of oatmeal mush. His policies are failing and the progressives have nothing to back him up when they do.

These are the people who've said there's no proof he was involved in Hinter's business, except there is proof.

Biden Inc. was a RICO prosecutor's dream. First hand testimony, emails, emails using aliases, phone calls, and bank suspicious activity reports.

Who actually thought Veep Joe's book would make back his supposed almost $10 million advance, especially when it hasn't cracked 100,000 books sold.

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