Posted on Apr 10, 2019
Feel The Exhilaration Of A High Altitude Jump In This Thrilling Video
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 13
Video didn't run. I never jumped with the military, but when I was stationed at 29 Palms a bunch of us used to go down to the Elsenore Paracenter and jump. I bought a 28 ft. double L parachute and had a blast! Young and invincible- what can I say.
Sgt (Join to see)
To see the video, one has to scroll down after you see the linked page... These jumpers appear to be at a high altitude... Makes my heart skip a beat or three!! LOL!
Sgt Dan Catlin
Thanks, I'll try it again. Yeah, first time my heart stoped and kind of lodged in my throat when the jumpmaster called me to the door. But when I stepped out and held the strut, the rush of the wind was exhilarating! Pilot killed the engine, so we were gliding; @ 60 mph wind, it was a bit like riding in the back of the pickup when I was a kid. Only there was no solid bed under my feet! Then I let go and was kind of in limbo, except I went to the hard spread and arch so fast my hand actually hit the side of the plane. It didn't really feel like I was falling, but I was definitely hooked!
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