Posted on Oct 8, 2022
Feel-Good Friday: Men's Sheds Seek to Build Men and Build Community
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Yes, let's bring back man hood back in its proper place!
We all had buddies when we were growing up, but those got left behind when we went our own ways after high school. I am once again blessed to have a true buddy, my Pastor. We have great times together, whether it is eating together, reloading ammo for our next range-therapy session, or shooting some of what we have reloaded.
There is a book called "Man of Steel and Velvet", I feel that it is a wonderful exposition on how men should be.
SGT Steve McFarland
Another great book is Tender Warrior, by Stu Weber. Stu is a Pastor and Army Vietnam Veteran.
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