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Responses: 21
SPC Nancy Greene
I have Never seen such disrespect from a US President!
SSgt Michael Anderson
SSgt Michael Anderson
3 y
SPC (Join to see) - However, "Breitbart.com" is a little too anti-Biden/pro-Trump for my tastes... I would be more open to reading something that is more middle of the road...
SPC Nancy Greene
SPC Nancy Greene
3 y
SSgt Michael Anderson I watched as the caskets were removed from the plane. Biden didn’t salute, he put his hand over his heart and I saw him check his watch. My statement may have been ‘broad’ based upon what other presidents have done; however it’s just my opinion and you don’t have to agree with it. SSgt Michael Anderson
SSgt Michael Anderson
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
3 y
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SSG Brian G.
What @1SG Mark Gomez fails to grasp, let alone address is the fact that, while he blasts Trumps and apologizes for Biden.... Trump did not cause any service members deaths, Biden DID. Biden's stupidity directly resulted in the deaths of 13 service men and women as he not just upped the withdrawal time but gave no clear leadership for that withdrawal or the transfer of power. Which resulted in not just a huge loss of life but in an enemy acquiring OUR weapons of war that they will then turn around and use on us.
SSgt Michael Anderson
SSgt Michael Anderson
3 y
I would have been happier if the exit from Afghanistan had been better organized, with much less loss of life! I haven't read any details about how this was planned out. Was this planning all due to Biden, or was it based on guidance that he might have received from his military advisers? The exit from Afghanistan had to happen--I think that it should have started after the death of Bin Laden... Here is an interesting "Fact Check" article that I found: https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
3 y
For inquiring minds. Some painful facts. Feel free to retort because it is BuzzFeed. RIP all. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/verabergengruen/these-us-troops-were-killed-in-combat-during-trumps-first
Sgt Jordan Foster
Sgt Jordan Foster
3 y
In which he did… extended the deadline.?SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
SSG Brian G.
3 y
Sgt Jordan Foster - And still he screws the pooch on the withdrawal. There used to be this thing where a competent command in chief would review plans before implementing them. You know, check to make sure that things like civilians that were in country were able to get out first... then withdraw the military forces that were the back door guarding them. But I guess Biden never learned that lesson.

There is a saying First in, last out. Had Biden paid attention, and you know, done his done and extended things properly... we would not be in the mess we are in now.
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
trump supporters have no ground to stand on when it comes to presidents being disrespectful.
MSG George Hernlen
MSG George Hernlen
3 y
This has not been about Trump supporters or Biden supporter. This has been about a piss poor planning. As usual we, the troops on the ground have to pay the price for a political photo opportunity someone wish’s for. This was a shit show and Biden owns it!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
3 y
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