Posted on Mar 28, 2017
FACT CHECK: Trump Says Obamacare Is 'Exploding.' It's Not
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 11
So premiums and deductibles going up hundreds of percent, providers abandoning offering plans on the exchange, and people who would rather pay the fine than sign up? Yeah. Wonderful program. ACA is just one of many examples of politicians taking a good idea, and messing it up royally.
SPC Kevin Ford
@casey ashfield There is no doubt that if you make too much to qaulify for assistance but don't have a group (employer) plan in certain states you are probably getting the shaft. This is the big thing that needs to be fixed. It was part of the reason for the public option to create competition and downward price pressure. You can thank Leiberman for causing that to get pulled out and screwing you over.
MAJ (Join to see)
SPC Kevin Ford - Nor the billions of dollars to provide lousy Medicaid expansion to the poor, nothing exploding or imploding there. It's horrible coverage at astronomic rates, six months to get my foster kids to a mental health professional is not what I consider a good healthcare system. Obama care did nothing to actually help lower healthcare costs, it only granted the Federal Government more control and hurt the middle class.
interesting... NPR supporting the Left for Decades and especially the BHO's ACA... But they are right .. Its' not Exploding... It's Tanking ... and going down as Fast as the Titanic and Taking both its supporters and those on Private Health care with It...
I pay $657 a month and have a 3500 deductible. If that's not exploding than I don't know what is.
SPC Kevin Ford
SGM Matthew Quick You have accurately defined to broken part that needs fixing. See my reply to @casey ashfield above. You got Lieberman.
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