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LTC Self Employed
A reminder that Latinos don't automatically vote Democrat especially when President Biden is a globalist and cares about allowing illegal aliens in the USA and fast-tracking them to Democrats. I mean he hopes he'll vote Democrat and I'm sure 80% will ingratitude. That's the whole game plan to make the Democrats be the party of all time and this is a way for Progressive Knuckleheads to destroy the USA But Latinos are coming with the Cavalry in November. Don't be surprised if the house or the House and Senate flip Republican because of stupid Mission from God Blues Brothers mentality DemocratsI
LTC Self Employed
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3 y
SP5 Renee Reif
Leftist calls cops on Republicans doing a survey.

Hate speech is anything you do not agree with.

LTC Self Employed
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SP5 Renee Reif
I believe in one race, the human race. Open borders threatens the nation state. A liberal likes borders, a leftist does not. Call me what you want, I sleep comfortably at night.

Do You have the contempt for Nationalism? Leftists think it is the road to fascism. I believe in ID, passports, borders and legal immigration just as my Honduran Mom applied at the US Embassy in 1959.

Biden is authoritarian. He said no vaccine mandate and he did it.
LTC Self Employed
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SP5 Renee Reif
If anything, President Biden and his homeland security secretary have encouraged immigrants to come. The Caravans in Central America get messages on the radio and they all congregate and come up north. Now that they expect title 42 to go away oh, you may go from 16000 to 45000 people per day coming into the USA. That is 16 million people per year and you claim that Republicans are threatening the lives of migrants crossing the desert? Like I said, I can say no without feeling guilty and I respectfully disagree with you and I will keep saying what I'm saying and no matter what you say, I won't stop until changes are made. The changes I'm talking about is good governance. I'm not talking about a police state that you're paranoid about. I'm not talking about the handmaid's tale like a lot of you Fringe people worry about.
I think you've been watching too much of the man in the High Castle. If you don't know what the man in the High Castle is, it's an alternate reality in which the USA lost the war and Germany nuked Washington DC and the Germans took the Eastern portion of the USA and put death camps to kill minorities and Jews. On the western part of the us, the Japanese took over California and the western states all the way to the Rockies. This is now with the early 60s about 17 years after the capitulation of the remaining US forces.

This video from the man in the High Castle sounds like a cancel culture and censorship from the left with almost the exact words from the Nazi that the Democrats tried to do with the hunter Biden laptop, and the revelation of corruption President Biden from Hunter Biden's Business associate Tony Babulinsky. The Nazi leader talking relishing the destruction of the Statue of Liberty sounds like a communist or something from the squad would say if they could take power and stop all discussion of their leftist Democrat ideology that has nothing to do with how Democrats used to be prior to President Obama. It's interesting that the Democrats or people like you are turning into or just as fearful as a Nazi would be.


Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
SP5 Renee Reif I already served in Iraq and Afghanistan by choice. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

They are not conspiracy theories. Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer and President Biden have laid out their plan and we are here to stop them one election at a time. It's not a conspiracy theory because destroying the fossil fuel industry is one of their top priorities and opening borders to allow in illegals is part of the globalist mentality. Mainstream Democrats are against this but not leftist liberals like who have hijacked the Democratic party in the last 8 years.

Also the kids of 1960s Vietnam War protesters are now the professors who are my aged in their late 50s poisoning minds of kids today with leftist anti speech rhetoric. That's why the movie no safe spaces came out way before antifa got front billing during the riots during the Spring and Summer of 2020 and that was endorsed by democrats because the enemy of my enemy is my friend in anything to get rid of President Trump and they succeeded and now we are all paying the price and now the pendulum is going to swing back and Democrats know they're screwed and the upcoming midterm elections.
Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark SP5 Renee Reif MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
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LTC Self Employed
Flashback deepthroat for the Democratic party CNN reporter Acosta hassles President Trump about the Caravan yes we now have averaging 15,000 migrants per day which will triple the 45,000 once title 42 goes away. I just want to remind you how effective President Trump was compared to brokeback Biden

LTC Self Employed
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SP5 Renee Reif
This is my come back, no safe spaces.


Stop the patriarchy, are you one of those weirdos about the black lying Marxists? They hate the paternal side and they want the paternal side but they're lgbtq bizarre and they talk about villages.

You have to use the racist card because you can't say anything else because we know the border is going to pieces. And we're talking about white people sneaking into. Caucasian illegal aliens, illegal aliens from Western Europe and Eastern Europe. White people from Central and South America. Yes, they do exist they're called Colonial people. My mom's side of the family was a colonial Honduran that was part of the Spanish Empire that sent my Basque side of the family to work on the silver and gold mines in Honduras.

I never bought up anything religious. I think you did not get enough hugs as a kid.

Attack the problem and not the person. Do something different for once as a leftist. When you guys were cornered and your back's against the wall, you have to use this kind of talk. Instead of trying to talk to issue one step at a time so, you have to use the Blunderbuss or shotgun approach.

As a spec 5, you we're not talking about critical thinking skills that something a senior non-commissioned officer and Sergeant Major World learn about. I was taught this when I was a major. I was probably actually thought this similarly and business management back the 80s when I was at the Cal State.

You should stick to one Topic at a time like you did about the example on your other post instead of using the stupid pound symbols. Going to your white supremacy patriarchy and Regional nationalism sounds like your extreme left? That's what I think. If you're going to try to negotiate with someone like me who is not afraid to take Someone Like You on. I actually enjoy it because you guys can't take no for an answer. One of the books I learned in college was how to say no without feeling guilty. Way before I joined the military I learned this book at age 19. And I can say no to you without feeling guilty at age 59.

I live in the People's Republic of Canada. They can have a nativity scene at a city hall or they can put Merry Christmas on a bus announcement and you will not have a caravan of angry lawyers in Ferraris trying to stop the bus so they can sue and buy a second Ferrari for violating church and state because Canada has a different Constitution and it's not against the law.
Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
Sgt Print Journalist
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I’m with you LTC (Join to see)
SP5 Renee Reif - You sound like another one of those misguided women who don’t like men, religious people, or people of European/ Caucasian descent ( ie “White” people, though seriously none of us are white in color. ;)
People such as yourself too soon forget the world-changing inventions and structures [aircraft, automobiles, trains, entertainment devices, phones, internet, household appliances, bridges, cities, buildings, etc) contributed by the people groups you hate, plus innumerable historical contributions.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
I love your non sequitur postings.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
3 y
Sgt (Join to see) Thanks for chiming in. She is a Biden Apologist who wants a tyranny like the movie V for Vendetta. Leftists thought Trump was the New Big Brother but now I suspect Bernie Sanders and others control Biden and order him Leftist.
Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark SP5 Renee Reif MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi

Biden lied again mentioning 'Putin's Prices' 12 times today in his Speech on 6-3-2022. He is the new Pinocchio Nose.
Sgt (Join to see) CWO4 Terrence Clark SP5 Renee Reif MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
Republicans will win some in November Thanks to Leftist mismanagement since 1-20-2021.
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CWO4 Terrence Clark
Good work if you can get it,
And you can get if you, if you, if you. you know, the thing!
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