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Responses: 4
LTC Greg Henning
There is so much miss information on this topic. Most our deaths came from nursing homes
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
>1 y
I daily ask God to daily Save our seniors in those Nursing homes, May a Theme like Covid-19 Lives Matter And it’s not to insult nor disrespect any other Group(s)
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
>1 y
I believe they should be brought up in Murder charges, Elder Abuse Charges,And Charges Like when A dictator Mustard gas and murdered His ownPeople, I Personally Suffered a lot, we all have, being prevented fro Visiting and comforting And just not able to be by the side of our families in Nursing Homes Home,SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
>1 y
SrA Ronald Moore I understand what you're saying but we need to look at the situation and its totality. The nursing homes were directed to take the patients in and to do the best they could with a personal protection equipment that they had. If they attempted to provide care in the patients died anyway, as well as infected residence of the retirement facility, one would have to show gross negligence and Malice of forethought. That means they had to have the intent to bring about the death of the patients.

There's a slightly interesting parallel with Katrina when the owners and operators of retirement facilities had to leave bedridden patients behind as the water Rose because they could not evacuate them. In each case they were acquitted. Much of the blame actually fell on the governor who had resources available and did not use them until it was too late and then it was he who left without them. Those people being good Catholics that they were have to live with the knowledge that they left those people behind to drown. If it was any good fortune, they were elderly and death was probably quick. There was no electricity and those that were on ventilators we're going to die anyway. There are some interesting parallels here.

This is been a troubling time and what troubles me the most is that even Republicans depending on who you talk to want to put the blame on President Trump as if he didn't do enough. He did do enough. He parked the hospital ship it appears of New York and Los Angeles. He converted a conference center into a 3000 bed Intensive Care Unit in New York City. None of these ever got used. Instead they put these people in these retirement homes and brought about their deaths and the deaths of approximately 11000 people in New York state alone. The number I'm sure is much greater. But how do you prove it was the governor's fault?

No matter what I say the people the don't like Trump are going to blame him and say that he effed up the covid-19 response. I don't believe that he did. Nobody really cares what I believe. When it comes to politics it's nothing but bunny butts as far as I'm concerned.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
1 y
SSG Robert Ricci - Ask Maj Landgren what President Trump should have done and didn't and what were the events that should have triggered a response. Major Landgren's response is to take his ball, go home and block you.

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PO3 Phyllis Maynard
SSG Robert Ricci :0( these are sad, dark times.
SSG Robert Ricci
SSG Robert Ricci
>1 y
We are Americans. We will get through this! Remember the words of Saul Alinsky that President Obama put into effect. Never let a crisis go to waste. That's how they think. Maybe it's time we start thinking like they do. Maybe it's time for republicans to become more aggressive and how they run for office and present the facts. Maybe it's time for a change at the top I don't know. But we don't need gelato and ice cream.
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
>1 y
SSG Robert Ricci true we don't need gelato and ice cream. It is the same.
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SSG Robert Ricci
Edited >1 y ago
Once again, President Trump was right. The majority of the deaths that have been associated with covid-19 were not caused by covid-19! The morbidity rate was as a result of underlying conditions such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, COPD, head-on collision with a motor vehicle, crime. There's an entire assortment of causes of death but as long as the patient tested positive they were listed as a covid-19 death which meant the government would pay. You don't want to believe the link I provided? How about the CDC saying the same thing?

PO3 Phyllis Maynard
PO3 Phyllis Maynard
>1 y
SSG Robert Ricci we need full disclosure always.
SrA Ronald Moore
SrA Ronald Moore
>1 y
What I believe is the bickering has to stop and a vaccine Brought Forth
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