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Responses: 8
SSG Warren Swan
It's not a Obama/HRC thing. This goes back farther than either of them, and has deep roots the same at the NRA, and other major lobbies have (have had) the ability to "influence" decisions in DC. The article is correct, the lobby itself IS the problem, quickly followed by those in congress who allow this to happen, support it, or turn a bling eye to the issue. $23 million is a drop in the bucket when compared to the money wasted over there, to include the money spent on useless items that are collecting dust in various depots across the nation.
Neither the President or the SECSTATE make laws. Sure the POTUS can make EO's for days, but we see how effective they are when the offended lobby gets involved, or the right amount of money is passed to the right SUPERPAC.. Congress is the actual culprit, ineffective legislation that is shrouded in "legalize" to where no one but the biggest shark (lawyer) understands it and even then it's questionable, federal agencies who will blame each other, and anyone else for a system they "help" through their own actions. If the DEA was really serious about drugs, they wouldn't make these "JTF's" that go after low level dealers and take pics with a "ton" of whatever with "whatever dollar amount they want it to be", those very JTF's would be going after Big Pharma hitting them with BILLIONS in fines, CENTURIES in federal SUPERMAX prisons, taking property, seizing personal bank accounts, or freezing offshore accounts (they know who the major players are). You can go after cartels but cannot go after the head of Johnson&Johnson? They won't but "insert kingpin name here" who slang "tons" of bud or worse in the ghettos or barrios is made out to be the worst of the worst. Tell me how Big Meech, Freeway Rich Ross, Supreme, Henchman, Alpo, Preacher, Edmonds, or anyone else on their level is worse than the white collar dude who took in half a billon in company stock, a hundred million bonus, or allowed folk under him to bribe doctors and hospitals is better than those who I listed who are doing big years in federal and state prisons? Tell me how if any of us went into their offices, we'll see a load of pictures with Presidents and legislators, maybe world leaders on their walls or desks? I can tell you for a fact one group are minorities and the other isn't. Who is doing time and who isn't?
This "death penalty" BS is directed towards one group and one group only. Maybe add poor to it for flavor so no one can really call it for what it is. If three strikes was really enforced to the letter of the law, Charlie Sheen and Robert Downey Jr (for example) both would be doing life in CA for multiple drug offenses. Both used cocaine, both acknowledged it, both have influential families, but anyone found with crack, gets INSTANT felonies, almost none come from influential families. Who were/are the major users of crack?
The DEA, FBI, (insert favorite LEO here) won't go after the real drug slangers. Too hard, they have the BEST lawyers, they have DEEP (black hole deep) pockets. They know "important people". These people are the same ones from both parties who claim to be "offended" every time something happens to one of their "friends", yet wouldn't give you, me or anyone on this site the time of day in a press conference. "Drain the swamp", it won't/cannot happen. You can take the head off the snake, that snake dies. There are five more to take it's place, and they only get stronger each time, along with their donations.
Trump has shown like others before him, he knows his place. Talk a good boisterous mess, maybe write something high speed about how much it affects him or them, but in the end....they put on a smile, tell someone how good they are, how much a "patriot" they are, and take that envelope with that campaign donation to the SUPERPAC that is going to elect either them or their friends in office. This IS the America we wanted, this IS the America we got. When you look at the voting booths this year, ask yourself WTF has the person(s) you're voting for REALLY done to stop this beyond the token "offended" speech or tweet? I got $5 on it, that the GOP legislator has done the same amount as the DEM legislator which combined equals ZERO.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
Exactly! *LEGAL* lobbying is the problem.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you for this in depth analysis, Warren!!!! I'm going to have to read this over and over again. I'm out having lunch with my kids But yours is an awesome response that I have to read it again and again to understand the depth of this all. I was not necessarily blaming Hillary Clinton or President Obama but it just happened to be under their watch.
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SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
Yes, we can blame Pharma and Congress etc....but where does personal responsibility come in. I have had doctors push narcotics to me and I asked for some other options. (When I was working it would be a bit strange for me taking narcotics!) There are ways to fight inflammation, I am a 14 year user of Celebrex. Best thing around except when I had a pancreatitis problem and was off it for a while. We can push back on the docs for getting other options. I have tried a lot. Only used narcotics in emergency room situations. (I even did some Acupuncture in Korea...and now Nellis AFB had 20 docs who do acupuncture!) Times change. We can be responsible for our actions, and guide the medical service we receive. We do have to study up first. And sometimes it is not the easiest route, but we make it!
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Capt Tom Brown
Of course seeking the death penalty is not going to stop the drug problem although utilizing existing laws which authorize and permit the death penalty would be a small start in culling the field. It is my understanding that such laws already are on the books but not much used in the opinions of some. The touchy-feely types have seized on this issue to raise their demands for yet more money to be poured into a kind and gentle rehabilitation and understanding of the plight of underserved dealers. Society should adopt a hard-line approach to dealers and make it a real risk to engage in such activities rather than a rumor on the horizon.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
The problem is the Canadians and the Americans are the biggest users. Big Pharmaceuticals are in bed with the government and now the DEA can't do their job while millions of addicts spend billions of dollars and thousands every year. I wish we could seize some of these big Pharmaceuticals like we do low-level drug dealers. I know their stocks would evaporate and some of the research would be stopped. It's sad that these companies are doing research in the Cancer Treatments at the same time they are making billions from druggies so you figure the amount of lives they saved with their overpriced drugs is being lost by the drugs they sell to those addicts who overdose.


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