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Maj Robert Thornton
When one looks at Massad Ayoob’s history I would listen to this man before anyone who totally disagrees with him. He has a long history in law enforcement and firearms training.
If teachers are willing to undergo the training and responsibility to carry in school, I would back them 100%. You can disagree with me, that is your right. But I will not debate the issue online.
I am one of the security team at my church that has volunteered to carry. Those of us that carry, have gone through training with our Sheriff’s Dept. We carry totally concealed since our Session has never approved or disapproved our being armed.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Edited 2 y ago
Gun Free Zones work. If....

If, and ONLY if, the entrance to the gun free zone is monitored and controlled, and ALL people entering the gun free zone are searched. Additionally, there must be a physical barrier which greatly restricts points of ingress and prevents entry from places other than those which are subject to search.

Declaring a gun free zone, but not enforcing it doesn't work. Declaring a gun free zone, but having point of search deep inside the zone does not work. Declaring a gun free zone, but allowing people to enter from alternate points of ingress does not work.

But controlled access through locked down ports of entry? Yes. It can work. How many folks want to live like that?
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
2 y
Agreed. The thing most of the "Gun Fre Zone" would object it they had to face the body search.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
2 y
How many object to being murdered?
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
2 y
CPT Jack Durish I would, of course, prefer not to be murdered. But if I *have* to choose between dying free and living caged, I will choose dying free.
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CPL Douglas Chrysler
First, the school districts are not going to hire wusses. The guards will be very highly trained and they will be experts at what they do.
Second, surveillance devices will be all over the place. So any aggressive intruder will be detected long before they can get to an entry point and police will be notified by the authorized personnel meaning the 14 minutes it took in Nashville will be cut in half. So actual contact involving the guard could very well be unlikely.
And finally any weak doors, windows, etc will be reinforced so no one will be able to simply shoot their way in. The high school I attended had 4 entry doors, one on each side and not even the best truants could find any other way in and when they were locked, the principal even had to wait for help. That was 1960.
There are other things that can be done and probably are in the works now. I know there was a threat here this week but was squelched before the perps could put their plan in motion. Now it's up to the courts.
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