Posted on Aug 26, 2016
Marine Special Operators Get Their Own Insignia Pin
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 22
Sure, to be honest our operaters are the best in the business. They dont have the publicity the SF and SEAL community does. You cant get missions, training and funding if no one knows who you are.
Its my opinion that the SEALS have been allowed to get way out of their lane. Anything they do should be within 5 miles of a beach,
Its my opinion that the SEALS have been allowed to get way out of their lane. Anything they do should be within 5 miles of a beach,
CWO3 (Join to see)
Heck yeah. But hey if the Navy Seals want to be a soldier of the sea too, than may I suggest that they turn in their kaki s and start real training in our Boot Camp from scratch. Yeah I said from the beginning. Heck who do you think are guarding our ships at float, the Seals? How about our U.S. Embassy's abroad. Yes, your answer is correct again. The Marine Corps. Do I need to say anymore? Have a wonderful Marine Corps day gentleman and ladies, I MARINES.
CWO3 (Join to see)
CPO Randy Francis - CPO Francis, I totally agree with you on that statement. BUT, sure we didn't develop the amphibious tradition either right? Go tell that to LTGEN Brute Krulak, USMC ( Ret ) FMFPAC CG. Deceased. Also Chief you need to get speed up on the National Security Act of 1947 and it's current ammendments. I do believe that we have another Chairman, JCOS as a Marine again right?
Semper Fidelis CPO,
Semper Fidelis CPO,
CWO3 (Join to see)
CPO Randy Francis - Chief, You need to show this Marine Gunner where it state's that for the Seals or any other high tech low drag unit that is currently serving in our branch of services today. Can you tell this Gunner where the HMFIC did you get that wet drawers from. Enough laughter for this old War Dog. Goodnight folks and goodnight "Chesty" wherever you are.
Semper Fidelis,
Semper Fidelis,
SSgt (Join to see)
The UDTs weren't the only unit that later became the SEALs; the Navy had their own unit called the "Scouts & Raiders" (not to be confused with the Marine Raiders), originally a combined Army/Navy unit which later became completely Navy, who were involved in underwater reconnaissance and maritime amphibious raids as directed by the Navy. This unit was absorbed along with the UDTs into the SEALs, and had shared history with the Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion when both units were within the Observer Group.
The UDTs weren't the only unit that later became the SEALs; the Navy had their own unit called the "Scouts & Raiders" (not to be confused with the Marine Raiders), originally a combined Army/Navy unit which later became completely Navy, who were involved in underwater reconnaissance and maritime amphibious raids as directed by the Navy. This unit was absorbed along with the UDTs into the SEALs, and had shared history with the Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion when both units were within the Observer Group.
MARSOC although new to the community have already made a significant impact on the special operations mission. in my opinion they should be recognized above their peers as operators and not just "regular" Marines, and therefore I support the badge.
I sometimes feel there are too many special badges and pins for just about every special skill set there is from EOD to underwater frogmen, sky divers, and every special operator in between. Rangers, SEALS, Recon Marines, etc. Yet at the same time I was always a bit proud to wear my simple jump wings with my dress uniform. Even with 9 total jumps I felt like I had really accomplished something. So if you earned the recognition wear it.
Sgt Jamie Grippin
I agree. We shouldn't decorate our Marines like the Army Christmas trees that exist today.
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