Posted on Apr 1, 2023
Diversity Executives – The U.S. Version of Soviet Political Commissars
Posted 2 y ago
Responses: 3
Many people I know suffered career stagnation, my brother included, because of affirmative action. Scalp hunters, people who seek and hire qualified people for a job position, probably got a double bonus for getting a qualified black female for a job. Now they want equal out comes with out equal ability, education or effort. I could not believe the diversity officer was lecturing a judge. People that claim diversity is our strength really don’t believe it. I spent a year in Korea. Where is the meat market selling dogs being slowly strangled? Is there a market for human flesh? Any one up for sex slaves? What about human sacrifice to appease gods? Any one up for casting bones to schedule airline flights? What about reading chicken entrails? I mean all cultures are equal, correct? Some how math s racist and 2+2 can be 5! Ask Silicone Valley Bank if it really works!
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