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Responses: 3
LTC Self Employed
I can see her point but hunter Biden should have served some time as a felony but because he is a biden, he won't serve any or hardly any time. We already saw what happened to Huma abedin, Hillary Clinton and others who are related to Democrats who didn't serve any time for having classified information on their laptops but had this been any republican, you know it would have been jail time.

Democrats are going to find out in November how resentful people are for two different standards of Justice
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
Correct Hunter has only been busted for coke a couple of times (kicked out of the Navy), likes hookers (not the yellow ones), lying on background check (federal form) to buy a gun, sleeping with his dead brother's wife, having an affair and baby with stripper and according to Ashley, Hunter's half sister, possibly molesting her (could be the big guy or both - however not sure as while I know it was in Ashley's diary just like Hunter's laptop it has all the earmarks of Russian disinformation) but no attack on the Capital - besides who's got the time to "attack the Capital" when your busy pimping out your father to China and Ukraine.

Hunter Biden is expected to enter a guilty plea to two felony misdemeanors for willful failure to pay his federal incomes taxes and enter a pretrial diversion agreement for a felony count of illegally possessing a firearm while addicted to illicit drugs - he's not going to get 60 days he's going to walk.

Curious what did Hunter do to earn the income he didn't pay taxes on?
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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LTC Eugene Chu I guess that's fair. She was armed like AOC who said she was Under Siege at the Capitol. So I bet this grandma was animal mother with her M60 and 400 rounds of ammunition wrapped around her while she stormed the building ?
LTC Eugene Chu SPC David S. LTC Trent Klug
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
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SFC John Davis let us not forget that the human rights were violated of those January 6 people. We treat prisoners of War better than we treated the January 6th people because many of them suffered in solitary confinement. Why were they put in solitary confinement?

I know it doesn't say solitary confinement in this article. But it just goes to show that people who rioted in the spring and summer of 2020 were often bailed out by Kamala Harris and other people working with District attorneys. So it goes to show two sets of standards again!

LTC Eugene Chu SPC David S. SFC John Davis PO3 Shayne Seibert
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PO3 Shayne Seibert
If she's Ex-MAGA, she probably never was MAGA to begin with. She's a follower, not a leader. She went with the crowd and got busted. Poor decision making on her part, as well as all of the trespassers on J6.
If she changed sides from Right to Left, she doesn't really care for the issues that are at the forefront of conservatism and is now bending to the will of the left and deflecting blame to Trump for her poor decision making.
Trump isn't "Using" anyone. He wants to free the citizens held without trial for 2 years. He wants J6 people to know that he has their back, even though he didn't tell them to do what they did. He wants the deep state to pay for their nonsense. He only wants re-elected so he can really go after the deep state.
As a voter, I don't want him back in office. He's too much of a distraction, but he gets things done no matter what tantrums the left throws. I'd really like to see all of the house and senate seats flipped to red and turn some liberals over our knees and set some stuff straight.
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LTC Trent Klug
Well good for her seeing the light. At her age she should be happy she's seeing any light too.
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