Up By Their Bootstraps
From financial assistance to treatment of PTSD, finding a home & assisting in transition, or providing familiar community support for spouse and family during deployment. Find out what 1 City has done to create a fairly complete list of the resources for veterans and family members.
You do not have to be in our community to take advantage of the service, and pass it on. Goodyear,AZ Up By Their Bootstraps provides aid,opportunities and support to military and their families. Currently deployed, recently returned or retired long ago
http://www.upbytheirbootstraps.orgMakeTheConnection.net, a one-stop resource where Veterans and their families and friends can privately explore information about physical and mental health symptoms, challenging life events, and mental health conditions. On this site, Veterans and their families and friends can learn about available resources and support.
http://www.maketheconnection.netThe Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.
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National Center for PTSD
The National Center for PTSD is dedicated to research and education on trauma and PTSD. We work to assure that the latest research findings help those exposed to trauma.
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http://h2h.jobs (Hero 2 Hired Program)
Veterans Affairs Facility Locator
Phoenix Vet Center
Veteran Benefits Assistance, Support Groups, Sexual Assault Counseling,Reintegration
4020 N 20th St Ste 110 Phoenix, AZ 85016 [login to see]
Vietnam Veterans of America - Arizona State Council
War Related Bereavement Support Groups, Veteran Support Various locations statewide [login to see]