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Responses: 2
LTC David Brown
We have warnings and posted signs America is ignoring. People from Venezuela, Cuba, , and China are warning us. We have 1984 and Atlas shrugged. Ignore them to your peril. We have reached the point, where for many, the word women has no meaning.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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You got that right sir. The phrase "tipping point" has been used way too much in politics the last few decades. I believe the phrase was specifically made for now.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Even some of the Christian based schools have it wrong
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I am at a loss for some actions Catholics, and I assume other religions, are taking. From helping the administration to distribute illegal aliens around the Country, to not allowing people to speak freely. I just can't understand it.
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SFC John Davis - I just can't see how people can go against their core values. They have been corrupted on a moral level that I've never seen before.
SPC Gary C.
SPC Gary C.
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SFC (Join to see) - I know the Bible says that you should be your Brothers keeper. But at the cost of the rest of your family ?
I wonder how many of those that say they are Christians, really are, or they just saying that.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SPC Gary C. Like I said, I am at a loss of words, and as everyone knows that usually doesn’t happen to me.
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