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Responses: 3
LCDR Vice President
We already have two light aircraft carrier (CVL) The USS America and USS Tripoli (building) That is what we need to build about 6 more of and increase the order of F-35Bs to populate the decks. In addition we should adapt the R-99A/E-99/EMB 145 AEW&C system to be deployed on a V-22 variant. This would allow both independent operations and better integration into the CSG when needed to reinforce the big deck.
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Just like one aircraft won't do, neither will one ship style
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CPO Glenn Moss
Speaking as a retired submariner observing from the sidelines, whose opinion and a dollar will get you a cup of coffee at McDonalds, the problem as I see it is the Navy, despite seeing the need for a "green-water fleet", keeps thinking in terms of "blue-water fleet".

For the time and money invested in a green-water fleet, the desired result is something that ALSO will fit the blue-water fleet role.

The end result? Debacles like the LCS, with the Freedom class and Independence class ships, which are "slightly smaller" than the Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates...and each plagued with their own problems.

Looking at these ships, and their development, it just seems to me that the desire was NOT to take a lot of money away from blue-water Navy, because the end result appears to be a blue-water Navy ship superficially adapted for shallower water operations.

Green-water submarines? I doubt you'll see these as the Navy sees (notice the present tense, here) them as a threat to their nuclear submarines. I once asked a visiting Admiral why the Navy didn't build and operate a class of smaller, less expensive non-nuclear submarines more suitable for closer coastal and national defense, while our nuclear subs ranged the rest of the world with no fuel logistics to worry about.

The short answer was "it's cost prohibitive". Which, in my opinion, translated to "it would undercut and undermine the nuclear submarines".
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