Kavanaugh's record on detention issues is spot on. The Authorization for the Use of Military Force gives the US all the authorization it needs to hold unlawful combatants "until the end of hostilities," as per the Geneva Conventions and Law of War. Even lawful combatant POW's may be held without charge or trial "until hostilities end," As were over 400,000 mostly German POW's during WWII held in the US. Attempts by our enemies to weaponize the US legal system have succeeded in getting detainees attention they don't deserve, and consideration they haven't earned. Rights don't exist in a vacuum. Constitutional rights require the responsibility of citizenship. Unlawful combatant detainees who want to kill us are not entitled to extra legal privileges and may have been legally shot dead on the battlefield. They are all lucky to be alive, all 731 who have been released (minus a few), and the 41 who remain at Gitmo. None have been executed, beheaded, blown up, hacked to death, dragged naked and lifeless through the streets, drowned or burned alive, all things our enemies have done to us and/or our allies. There is no moral comparison between how detainees are treated at Gitmo and how our enemies treat their captives.