Posted on Nov 2, 2016
Breaking/Exclusive: Comey Lied: FBI “Synced” Weiner Laptop Under Misused Terror Warrant – Updated...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
The dirt found about Clinton is so bad and undeniable that they only thing the left can come up with is accusations of "illegal search and seizure, improper procedure, Russian Hackers trying to influence an election." Few are actually looking at what Clinton and her team have done with the same apathy and condemnation. When I start seeing that, maybe I'll start looking at what led to those revelations. Until then, the only thing I knew for sure now is that Clinton is indeed a crook.
From the same article, by Legal Analyst Paul Callan of CNN, published the following:
"The tangled relationship between the Clintons and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should have prompted appointment of an independent special prosecutor long ago".
"The tangled relationship between the Clintons and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should have prompted appointment of an independent special prosecutor long ago".
In really have doubts that this is true, after all of the heat Comey has taken and given that he is intelligent enough to prevent shooting himself in the foot, his openly lying would be rather outrageously stupid.
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