Posted on Jul 2, 2019
Blue Angels, John Stamos … and tanks? DC's July 4th celebrations take shape
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Would you believe I went to HighSchool with John Stamos? He was Kennedy High School class of 81 in La Palma, California. I was class in the Kennedy Clasd of 1980. From General Hospital to playing with the Beach Boys and now going to a Fourth of July President Trump celebration? This is too funny!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu CPT Jack Durish CSM Charles Hayden COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen F. SPC Margaret Higgins SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint CPT (Join to see)
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel LTC Eugene Chu CPT Jack Durish CSM Charles Hayden COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen F. SPC Margaret Higgins SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint CPT (Join to see)
This article implies that tickets are given away to political donors and not directly sold
RNC Giving Tickets to Donors for Trump’s Fourth of July Celebration
Presidents have honored the nonpartisan approach to the taxpayer-funded Independence Day festivities for decades—until now.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
LTC Eugene Chu So, are you saying that this is a political event? Or campaign event? That sounds terrible.
I don't like the idea of hijacking Independence Day to play politics.
I don't like the idea of hijacking Independence Day to play politics.
Patricia Overmeyer
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Well, the taxpayers are going to pay for this. What it is going to cost the DoI will probably wipe out their budget for a few years...
MSgt (Join to see)
Daily Beast? Really? That's like sourcing the National Enquirer. Daily Beast has been known to publish misleading reports, omit reporting of information, and use untrustworthy
sources. Reuters is the least bias (Neutral) and has the most credible sources.
sources. Reuters is the least bias (Neutral) and has the most credible sources.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MSgt (Join to see) All I asked was how the military gets a ticket. That's all I want to know. Maybe you know?
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