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Responses: 12
SSG Michael Noll
Might not sound humane but a bullet is way cheaper than paying for his life of lock up IMHO sorry.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 mo
SSG Michael Noll
I Have 2 Cousins, A Former Brother-In-Law And A Couple Friends Who'd Disagree With Ya.... All Did Time In The Michigan Prison System; ~~ Michigan State Prison, Jackson, Michigan. ~ I'll Guarantee You'd Not Even Want The Nicest Cell In Jackson.~
SSG Michael Noll
SSG Michael Noll
3 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - I am referring to the cost of caring for said prisoner Brother Rick.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 mo
SSG Michael Noll -
None Of Us Like Having To Pay For Various Government Spending
And From What Most Of Us Have Seen, There Are Better And More Deficient Ways Of Accomplishing Their Goals. .... It ALWAYS Costs More For Our Government To Accomplish Anything, Than It Does Private Industry....
SSG Franklin Briant
SSG Franklin Briant
3 mo
I concur, I know what they will do in prison, and they still have power and still collect their dues from the free world. They are oxygen thieves and deserve to forfeit their lives.
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CSM Chuck Stafford
Have a nice life -- buh-bye
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MSgt Dale Johnson
Edited 3 mo ago
Prisons are not what they used to be though. I am not saying I'd like to go to one, but they have rooms where they can watch TV, Gymnasiums to work out or play basketball, Libraries, etc.

For people sentenced to short terms that's fine and I would actually like to see them possibly have some kind of vocational training to be able to get employment after incarceration. But people like him with life sentences and no Parole, hard time should be without the pleasantries.

Those who they murdered, raped, robbed, or got addicted to drugs, or forced into Prostitution often do not have them.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
3 mo
I Have 2 Cousins, A Former Brother-In-Law And A Couple Friends Who'd Disagree With Ya.... All Did Time In The Michigan Prison System; ~~ Michigan State Prison, Jackson, Michigan. ~ I'll Guarantee You'd Not Even Want The Nicest Cell In Jackson.~
SSG Franklin Briant
SSG Franklin Briant
3 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - I worked security in a Super Max in Texas for 20 years, I know that they still have privileges that many do not know about and I still have connections inside who have told me that even Ad Seg has changed as to where they have many of the privileges that G.P. has. Not only that but they have lessened the abilities of correctional officers have to control the offenders. It has gotten to the point as to where prior to a use of force occurs, the shift captain and major if available must go and attempt to talk the offender out of the incident. Prisoners will always make it worse than it is in my experience.
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