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Responses: 7
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
President Boden will go down as the most lawless president the US ever had; from selling access to the government through his family, to not enforcing immigration laws, to picking and choosing winners and losers through his new $3.5T budget (the budget itself isn't illegal, funneling the money to their friends is).
SFC Regina Boyd
SFC Regina Boyd
3 y
I can't argue with ignorance. You say Biden "loves" China. Trump "loves" North Korea, China and Russia. Those don't count, though, right? COVID isn't real, either.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
SFC Regina Boyd - Absolutely! As opposed to President Trump. President Trump is a law and order guy. He may have checked with the lawyers now and then on budget issues and such, but what President Biden is checking are clearly considered power grabs from the states.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
Sgt (Join to see) - You bring up valid points of how persecuted, not prosecuted, President Trump. Thank You.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
SFC Regina Boyd - See, if you say things… you have to back them up with facts, I let you go with your first general comment because it was pretty inoffensive. Your second comment I have to question, no one here said Biden loves China, Russia, or North Korea, Biden’s family was enriched by access he provided to our government with e China and Russia deals, no one mentioned North Korea, I don’t know where you got that one. Who said anything about the Wuhan Virus not being real? Get a grip on reality, you’re all over the place. You can say anything you want on RP but you better be prepared to back up your comments. It doesn’t appear you are.
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Sgt Self Employed
The left is seizing as much power as it can and will never relinquish it.
We've thrown off a tyrannical government once before. We might just have to do it again.
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SFC Eric Harmon
This is what autocracy looks like. For all those that thought it could never happen here, 1984 is fast becoming a reality.
SFC Regina Boyd
SFC Regina Boyd
3 y
What about when Trump was in office (and still thinks he is)?
SFC Eric Harmon
SFC Eric Harmon
3 y
SFC Regina Boyd - Trump was just as wrong when he ignored the Constitution. However, he is no longer part of the conversation.
SFC Regina Boyd
SFC Regina Boyd
3 y
SFC Eric Harmon - No, he's no longer in the conversation, but here we are.
SFC Eric Harmon
SFC Eric Harmon
3 y
SFC Regina Boyd - OK, to be clear, where do you think we are?
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