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Responses: 2
TSgt David L.
The M-9 doesn't want to go into battery in sub-freezing temps either. When we did CST at Fort Carson, Colorado in December the cadre had to spray WD-40 on the firing line to keep them cycling. I still had to push the slide forward with my thumb to get it to go forward.
This guy cant count to ten sometimes! A few of the first tests were only 6 or 7 rounds.
CW3 Kevin Storm
CW3 Kevin Storm
6 y
Funny, I spent some time with the Italian Army and did a live fire with an Alpine unit. They all had Berettas and BM 59's, not sure what they used, but you didn't any complaints about cold weather issues. Sometimes I think the US Military gets so wrapped around the concept of what we bought and what we tested, we forget someone else has already done it, and also knows what works.
SGT Program Coordinator
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
Good to know that some handguns don't work well in the very cold, I never knew that, glad that I'm a tropical island where it's warm all year long.
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
6 y
CW3 Kevin Storm - This was the winter of 2005.
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
6 y
SGT (Join to see) - We had temps down to 0 degrees F. The march goes on though. Night land nav was even colder, as was the machine gun shooting for our younger troops who where in the HMMWV turrets. They were out until 0100 or so shooting the Ma Deuce, SAW and 240B. I don't know how cold it was for them but one guy had thin gloves and could barely feel his hands an hour later.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Nice looking pistol.
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