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Responses: 5
SFC Casey O'Mally
I love the term non-partisan. Because everyone thinks it means non-biased.

It does not.

I am an independent voter. I am registered independent. I am non-partisan. I am neither pro-Democrat not anti-Democrat. But I am strongly anti-Biden. I am neither pro-Republican nor anti-Republican. But I am strongly anti-Trump.

However, I am also strongly conservative. I am NOT non-biased. I am not anti-Democrat, but I do oppose a large portion of the Democrat platform. I am not pro-Republican, but I do support a large portion of the Republican platform.

Non-partisan. But hella biased. Welcome to the AP.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
10 mo
From the On-line dictionary...
"not biased or partisan, especially towards any particular political group:
"senior civil servants are non-partisan and serve ministers loyally irrespective of politics"
CW3 Michael Bodnar
CW3 Michael Bodnar
10 mo
I think there is a large group of Americans that support your views on politics but are too afraid to say it over fears of being shamed for their views.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
10 mo
MSgt Dale Johnson
Right. I am not anti-Democrat. I have and will vote for Democrats. But I am against open borders (or "secure" borders that aren't secured), student debt relief, Medicare for all, etc.

I am not pro-Republican. I have and will choose to NOT vote for Republicans. But I do support freedom of speech, gun rights, securing the vote, etc.

People like to throw out non-partisan as a dodge. Half them time it is semantics. A quarter of the time it is an outright lie. And a quarter of the time it is true.

Except in technical discussions, like this, I do not claim to be non-partisan. I *do* frequently and loudly state that I am an independent voter. But I also almost always follow that up with the caveat that I am strongly conservative. Because I try to be honest.

I do not think the AP is being honest, here. I think they are hiding behind semantics.
MSgt Dale Johnson
MSgt Dale Johnson
10 mo
You're exactly right, they are hiding behind anything they think will make them and their opinion more relevant. I too vote Independent, and define that as voting with Common Sense, which the extremes on either side have none of.
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MSgt Dale Johnson
The Associated Press and Non Partisan are opposing terms.
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LTC Marc King
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