Posted on Mar 31, 2019
Autopsy For 7-Year-Old Migrant Who Died In U.S. Custody Shows She Died Of Sepsis
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3
Does not mean she got sick while in their custody. Many of these people are I'll or become I'll enroute
Sgt (Join to see)
I meant to write that in my response Lt Col Charlie Brown, then forgot to add it in... Many of these South and Central American people come here and get sick along the way... It is not an easy trip, and the people who organize these groups of migrants do it for the money, not the care of those they foster... In my view this border crisis has become an Emergency and MUST be rectified with new and broad new immigration reform and management...
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Chip, sepsis can be hard to diagnose until too late or amost so. The brother of a friend recently had both hands and legs amputated due to sepsis. BTW, he is a British citizen with healthcare and is in his 30s and previously healthy.
Lt Col Charlie Brown
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel I was a school counselor and I work with Gold Star kids. I wish nothing bad to any child but I refuse to blame an overwhelmed system without proof that something was deliberately done wrong
Thank you for this sad news PO1 William "Chip" Nagel !!! None of this type of illness would occur if Congress would straighten out the Immigration Issues at our Southern border and, in fact, for our Country and the people who would like to legally immigrate here!!! Our current immigration Policy does NOT work, in my view!!!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Sgt (Join to see) It Definitely is Broken but the Problems comes in Many Frames, It comes in Definitions, "Legal" "Illegal" By Our Law and International Law you can Come in thru any "Port of Entry" and Apply for "Refugee" Status and then it is Up for the Courts to Decide, Unfortunately a Lot of Those We Call "Illegals" by International Standards are "Legal" Refugees that have followed the Rules. Port of Entry, What is a Port of Entry? Gate Manned by Our Authorities that Regulate International Trade between Countries or is it a More Nautical Term and Must be Where Ships Enter? What is "Illegal" My Great Grandfathers Documentation Listed Him as a Female Seamstress to get Around the Quota System of the Day, Was He an "Illegal". I Know the Question and Answer is Not Simple and I Have Little Patience with Those Looking for Simple Solutions and a "Wall" is a Simple, Ignorant (And at It's Base Racist Approach because it is Just Targeting Brown Skinned Latino Immigrants) Solution. While We are Discussing "Question" "Solutions" My Perspective is Also Colored by My Heritage as a German American to Include Some Leitz (German Jew) Heritage, I Think "Final Solution" "Jewish Question" Doesn't take Much to Imagine where Anti-Immigrant Feelings Can Lead.
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