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Responses: 7
SSgt Owner/Operator
I've been watching this story for the last couple of days. After having this (the original bogus story) rammed down my throat by members here to "prove" there was no fraud and how bad DT is, well, it comes to light that it was *AGAIN* unethical reporting.

Now, I understand public personalities cannot sue for Libel. I wonder if a Class Action suit can be brought by The People?
SPC Michael Terrell
SPC Michael Terrell
>1 y
I find it interesting the Libel and Liberal are so close in their spelling.
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Cpl Software Engineer
And none of the local, usual suspects will grace this thread to defend their original claims.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
They have nothing to say and hope that if they just wait it out everyone will forget it ever happened. This Administration IS. NOT. LEGIT! And the longer we wait to acknowledge the OBVIOUS, the more difficult it will be to undo the damage. Bad news doesn’t get any better with age...
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LTC John Griscom
Interesting that the Post published it.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Democrats eat their own young. Give them enough time to realize what they helped install in office and they’re going to criticize Biden instead of acknowledging their role in perpetuating election fraud and helping to install a corrupt, incompetent, lying, cheating FRAUD that should have been held accountable for his crimes and prosecuted, not run for President!

Just goes to show how low the Left has set the bar for themselves when they have run Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary, and Biden as their front runners in the General Elections. Talk about scraping the bottom! I scratch my head wondering how anyone could get behind these crooks!
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