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Responses: 6
PO3 Business Advisement
With all of the Russian influence, I make it a point to stay away from the COMMUNIST NEWS NETWORK.
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SPC David Elzinga
Have to remember there is a big difference between obama and Trump, obama was a dishonorable bitch while Trump is proving to be a honorable real leader
Cpl Mark A. Morris
Cpl Mark A. Morris
8 y
As long as we are communicating professionally, I honor those who made a carrier of the military.
IMO, 1stSgt Kerr has a right and has earned his right to think the way he does. He may have experienced some issues that has caused him to believe as he does. But, he is also man enough to correct himself when he hits below the belt. I know that for a fact.
Racial relations are at an all time low in America. We all must do our part to set the example.
Sometimes, I fail in my ability to respond. It comes out more like a reaction.
I thank you for your post and hope you will join me in interacting here at a high level. It is a challenge some make look easy.
Thank you for your service to our country SSG. Stay strong. The enemy is being brought to us.
M. Morris RVT
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Ken Gouchenour - I don't hate smaller government, I hate discrimination based on race, religion (or lack thereof), gender, sexual orientation and all of the other immutable characteristics. If you really want smaller government, then fight a woman's right to choose, or a gay person's right to marry?

I also like good roads, strong police and fire services, and believe that health care is a right that every American should have, not a consumable good with a profit margin.

As for getting out of the army, why the hell would I do that? I've invested 33 years, and I have ten to go until I hate my age-based MRD. Even if I wanted to leave, I depend on my TriCare (that pesky government-funded health care) medical coverage and will depend on my pension (which I don't get until age 60) to live comfortably. Why the hell would I leave? We are not a "Conservative" army.

Actually, I think that those so-called "lifers" you mention who get more and more liberal do so not because of their government paychecks (I lose money every single drill weekend), but because we are older, wiser and have traveled the world and seen that we are not the "Greatest" country with the best of everything.

Do you know what socialism is? It is NOT communism as Breitbart and Fox would have you believe. The military is a socialist institution, as are our police forces, motor vehicle departments, fire departments, air traffic control, and a whole wealth of services that you use everyday that cannot exist in a purely profit-driven system. We free-market, democratic socialist country, as are all of the other first-world democracies, the only difference is in which services are socialized and which remain private. I think we all agree that having private, for-profit police forces is a very bad idea, as I believe are private for-profit prisons (white the booming industry) and a private for-profit health care system.

As for Obama letting in illegal aliens, first off the correct terms in undocumented immigrants (anyone who moves to a different country is an immigrant and people are never illegal), and second of all, Obama had the highest deportation rate of any previous three presidents COMBINED. I should know, I was a Border Patrol Agent, an INS Special Agent, and ICE Senior Special Agent and now am an immigration attorney. I've lived immigration enforcement and defense for the last twenty years, so save the Breitbart talking points for those who don't know any better.

Finally you mention Trump. I despise him, and a real conservative would despise him too (as most did during the primaries). The man peddles stupid conspiracy theories (birther crap was the first hint), brags about sexual assault, mocked a disabled reporter and that was just as a candidate. Are you really so blind to the f*cking train-wreck that is this administration? Blurting out secrets TO THE F*CKING RUSSIANS? He's following the fascist playbook in attacking the media and the courts, and fools like you keep your eyes closed and keep believing what he tells you.

I stay in the army for two reasons. First, I've invested 33 years and am not about to give up the benefits that I'VE EARNED for probably longer than you've been a live, and second, because if Trump does order something illegal and illegal orders start moving down, it is my duty to push back.

My oath is protect the constitution against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC, and I take that oath very seriously.

Have a nice life.
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
SSG Ken Gouchenour - The biggest "threat to our republic" is the uneducated voter, a group which Trump took advantage and to which you clearly belong.

Turn off Fox News, stop reading Breitbart (the self-admitted "Platform of the Alt-Right" and TUNE OUT Rush Limbaugh. Your country will thank you, and maybe, just maybe, you might learn some truth.

To learn what is really going on, cable news is not the place to do, nor are conservative websites or radio. BBC World is a great place to start, as are the three major (fact checked) networks ABC, CBS and NBC (without the MS on the front).

Again, have a nice life. I don't have the time to waste talking to people who accept Trump's alternative facts as true.
SPC David Elzinga
SPC David Elzinga
8 y
Major, you remind a lot of some officers I have had to serve with and people that obama had around him. You may want to unlike some of these people,pull your head out of your own rear end, your lips off their rear ends and think for yourself, most of all stop voting
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
I would agree DaOne wore the UN puke blue color better. He also followed the global agenda of open borders, anemic GDP, the ME on fire with thousands dead and millions displaced and trying to destroy the US military with sacking hard chargers needed to protect this country and allowing reprobate behavior become the norm inside the military.
The next thing you know, some fool will put some Transgender sex change wantabe in front of a veteran that was on line for this county and needs help. Wait a sec.
DaOne built a coalition to combat ISIS? Was that why he supported the Shia until ISIS grew strong enough to be called the varsity? Not the JV?
BTW, it is not team Trump CNN. It is deplorable nationalists that have had enough of open borders, anemic GDP, and increased Marxism. CNN stands for communist news network.
How do you not support an American trying to accomplish good things for America? Just because you don't like his haircut, or that he likes beautiful women? You must want more illegal aliens and more Islamic migration so we too can be like France and Germany. What a bunch of American hating fools.
M. Morris RVT
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
Spot on!
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 y
Spot on Part 2!!!
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