Posted on Apr 21, 2018
Army chaplain faces same-sex discrimination claim; lawyer says he was following Army guidance
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 2
Weinstein was quick to mouth off saying that the Chaplain placed his hand on the "NEW TESTAMENT" and swear to defend the Constitution, Apparently that hypocritical Jew and I do not use that term lightly because I have many Jewish friends, uses that term as a dig to our Lord Jesus Christ. I know good and well that Weinstein knows that when we take an oath it is the full Bible we use NOT just the New testament, and Why Weinstein is denigrating his own Books is beyond me, for the curse of Homosexuality is not a New Testament decree but has been since Adam and Eve. GOD made them Man and Woman. Noah took the Animals into the Arc by two's to perpetuate the species. but all through the Old Testament it is condemned: Leviticus 5:3 , Leviticus 18:22;24-30 , Leviticus 20:13 , Deut 23:17 , Judges 2:11-13 , Judges 19:22-24 , 1Kings 22:43;46 , and on it goes.
Sodom was not destroyed Just because of the rampant homosexuality, but it was a great factor of the many sins that were abounding there. Weinstein is a hypocrite of the worst type, It is bad enough that he does not heed the words of Jesus and the Disciples, he has turned his back on his own GOD, and does not heed the words of the Torah. He does not even rate being called a Smuck, he barely rates being called a Smeckel!
The Army Chaplain has done Well!
Sodom was not destroyed Just because of the rampant homosexuality, but it was a great factor of the many sins that were abounding there. Weinstein is a hypocrite of the worst type, It is bad enough that he does not heed the words of Jesus and the Disciples, he has turned his back on his own GOD, and does not heed the words of the Torah. He does not even rate being called a Smuck, he barely rates being called a Smeckel!
The Army Chaplain has done Well!
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