Posted on Apr 14, 2021
Arizona governor appoints first woman to lead state’s National Guard
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
Governor Ducey Announces Arizona's New Adjutant General
Governor Ducey Announces Arizona's New Adjutant General And Director Of The Arizona Department Of Emergency And Military Affairs
Thank you my friend SSG(P) (Join to see) for making us aware that Arizona governor "Doug Ducey on Thursday appointed Brig. Gen. Kerry Muehlenbeck to be the first female leader of the Arizona National Guard and the state’s emergency management agency as it enters a second year on the front lines in combatting COVID-19."
Governor Ducey Announces Arizona's New Adjutant General and Director Of The Arizona Department Of Emergency And Military Affairs Brig. Gen. Kerry Muehlenbeck replacing MG McGuire
FYI MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG Franklin BriantSPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D TSgt David L. SGT James Murphy 1SG Steven ImermanSPC Michael Terrell A1C Riley SandersSPC Michael Oles SRSGT Michael Hearn Sgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) SSG Bill McCoy Cpl Vic Burk MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
Governor Ducey Announces Arizona's New Adjutant General and Director Of The Arizona Department Of Emergency And Military Affairs Brig. Gen. Kerry Muehlenbeck replacing MG McGuire
FYI MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. LTC (Join to see) COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SSG Franklin BriantSPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D TSgt David L. SGT James Murphy 1SG Steven ImermanSPC Michael Terrell A1C Riley SandersSPC Michael Oles SRSGT Michael Hearn Sgt (Join to see) SGT (Join to see) SSG Bill McCoy Cpl Vic Burk MSgt Robert "Rock" Aldi
Sgt (Join to see)
LTC Stephen F. I’m not happy women are overtaking men’s leadership roles. This doesn’t bode well for Manhood in the future.
Sgt (Join to see)
Thats a great politically correct answer and I’m sure you mean well GySgt Thomas Vick However, looking down the road, if women keep being enthusiastically encouraged to take, and are given, the traditional men’s roles, where will that leave men?
GySgt Thomas Vick
I'm not trying to be political, and believe me I don't want to see anyone appointed by the WOK crowd, all I'm saying is give her a chance, my day came and went long ago.
Over the long run, it’s not beneficial that women are Overtaking men’s leadership roles, militarily, politically and in other facets of society. Men are being duped by modern propaganda to step aside from being leaders, a God-given X-Y male trait. This abdication by men will bite them severely later. And frighteningly, women and girls are encouraged to shun the formerly-cherished, traditional career of wife and motherhood.
Where does that leave American Children? To be cared for by hired help or raise themselves? Or, not be.
Where does that leave American Children? To be cared for by hired help or raise themselves? Or, not be.
Sgt (Join to see)
SGT Randal Groover You can brag - those were the honorable ways for a man, to provide for and protect their families, and women and children in general. Modern men are okay with women doing a good deal of the heavy lifting, the providing and protecting.
SSG Felicia Morales
This comment is a mess and there is alot to unpack there. With your logic, women should not have a job at all, leadership or otherwise. We aren't encouraged to not be strictly a wife and/or mother, we are taught that there are options. Generalizing and lumping all men together is dangerous. I doubt you want to be lumped in with people you don't agree with or like, just because they happen to be female like you. It's 2021 in America. I am not for a lot of the hyper feminism, but telling a women that she is not a good person if doesn't want to stay home with the kids, or telling a man he MUST bear the entire burden of providing for the family is ridiculous.
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