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Responses: 4
LTC Orlando Illi
The squirrel has a message for all the self righteous dreamers who are SHOCKED that the United States has the impudence to enforce laws within its criminal code. Daniela Vargas can whine, stomp her feet and hold her breath until she turns blue. The facts are that she did not comply with the requirements necessary to be granted temporary amnesty. She knew or should have known that the earlier deferment granted by President Obama expired. Why she chose to never file for an extension is a matter for the immigration courts to decide. BLUF - you don't get a free pass anymore to willfully violate United States Immigration Statutes.
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SSgt Auto Total Loss Claims Associate
How are they falling prey if they are the objective of the mission? The mission is to apprehend and deport those that have entered the country illegally. Its not like they (DREAMers) aren't aware of the appropriate way to enter the country - apply for citizenship and assimilate. Thousands to it every year. I'm sure they're just peachy happy knowing all of these others come in and get benefits right away that they had to wait in line to get when doing things the proper way.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
I'm pretty sure that most if not all of the dreamers were brought into this country as children by their parents, that's what puts them in the dreamers category. Many of them probably have vague memories of the countries in which they were born.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
>1 y
I really don't care if they have vague memories of their home country. Their parents chose to bring them into the country illegally. Its the parents responsibility to explain to their kid(s) why they didn't do things properly. Its called responsibility and the parents need to own up to their actions. Not the US.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
They are not being deported for entering America illegally when their parents brought them, they are being deport for subsequent violations of the law, such as gang activity and other crimes. Some failed to file paper work to maintain their status as dreamers, which is a violation of the law.
LTC Trent Klug
LTC Trent Klug
>1 y
LTC David Brown - There is that too. But there are those being deported because their parents are being sent back to their country of origin due to whatever reason.
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Because Obama decided to do an executive order. Rather then working with Congress. They had no reason to pass any immigration reform. They've had four years to become citizens or get a green card.
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