Posted on May 26, 2022
Anarchists Take Credit for Vandalizing Four Pro-Life Churches in Washington State - Washington...
Edited 3 y ago
Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 7
Lt Col Charlie Brown What the hell is this country coming to when people vandalize churches?
SP5 Dennis Loberger
When I was in Junior High School, I'm 72 now, our church was vandalized. They took our Communion ware and, I assume, sold it. As a side note, what measures are taken in schools in your area to prevent shooters from entering schools?
Cpl Vic Burk
SP5 Dennis Loberger - The exterior doors are all lock during class. They only open between classes for students needing to move from one building to another (ex: main building to gym building). If students are late getting back into the building they have to go through main office. If I see an adult without an ID tag I stop them to make sure they are supposed be there. If not, I escort them to the office or call the school resource officer or main office for a lockdown (I have done this a couple times). If they decide to resist there is going to be hell to pay. (Haven't had that happen yet)
If we are on a hard lockdown and someone breaches the door (they would have to break the window out, 8" x 32" window) to my classroom I am ready to kill them. I keep a baseball bat hanging near the door and I am sitting there waiting. During hard lockdowns we don't answer phones, listen to the bells or the intercom. Everyone stays put until either the police or a school administrator unlocks our door and announces all clear.
If we are on a hard lockdown and someone breaches the door (they would have to break the window out, 8" x 32" window) to my classroom I am ready to kill them. I keep a baseball bat hanging near the door and I am sitting there waiting. During hard lockdowns we don't answer phones, listen to the bells or the intercom. Everyone stays put until either the police or a school administrator unlocks our door and announces all clear.
Pretty disgusting vandalizing any church or house of worship. Churches representing a pro life stance, these people disagree and attack the church Who is trying to defend life ? It's one thing having another opinion but to attack others and destroy their property because they don't agree with you ? This is a criminal act, these people need to be sought out, prosecuted and if found guilty in a Court of Law punished. This behavior and destruction of church property for any reason is NEVER acceptable !
Cpl Benjamin Long
I am unclewar.. This seems extremely specific... Who blocked an FBI investigation?
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