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Responses: 11
SSG Robert Webster
Edited 4 y ago
If what happened in the last Presidential election with results of certain precincts in Pennsylvania holds true, then this will eventually ignored, swept under the rug, and the propagandist of certain tech companies will try and have the story expunged from the WWW/internet.

Now that I have gotten the BS out of the way, let's take a look a more analytic look at this.
First issue - where did the author or authors get the vote count information? It does not match with the information from the Milwaukee County Clerks office.
Second issue - there also appears to be a problem with the source media, their background organization, and their methods. This appears to be a supposed Conservative source, however it appears more like a sophisticated propaganda machine. The Milwaukee City Wire is part of Metric Media News an arm of the Metric Media Foundation. The previous part of this issue statement is my opinion, however there is an analysis available at the Columbia Journalism Review (link to review at end of comment).
Next let us take a look at the actual numbers for the four wards/precincts at the top of the list in the story:
Current numbers show that Trump won in 2 of them with Biden picking up the other two.
Ward 272 Biden 512 Trump 567(*) Total 1079
Ward 273 Biden 313(*) Trump 290 Total 603
Ward 274 Biden 296 Trump 297(*) Total 593
Ward 277 Biden 688(*) Trump 602 Total 1290

Here are the results from 2016 where Trump won 3 of those wards and Clinton won 1.
Ward 272 Clinton 455 Trump 487(*) Total 942
Ward 273 Clinton 265 Trump 277(*) Total 542
Ward 274 Clinton 255 Trump 275(*) Total 530
Ward 277 Clinton 621(*) Trump 521 Total 1142

And in my analysis the numbers from 2020 are not any different than 2016.

So why is someone stomping on peoples private parts with spiked golf shoes trying to rile up Republicans and the Conservative Movement with blatantly false information. We should all look at who is pulling the strings in the background on both sides.

My vote count information is actually from the Milwaukee County Clerks office at -

Though I did not include the information about registered voters and ballots cast information in my post, I did place a link to it as the second one in the Milwaukee County Clerks office list above.


Edit: shows to shoes
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
Look, man...facts are not welcome here. We’re trynna get a good ol’ fashioned ‘Murican outrage going!
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
4 y
SFC Thomas Foreman - Reread my first paragraph. lol!
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
2 y
You are right on, pure BS
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MAJ James Woods
You do understand the States have till Dec. 8th to certify the results to Congress and address any inconsistencies? We’ve trusted the system to do its job in counting all legitimate votes for decades and not let the partisan media decide who won an election before 100% of votes are counted. The same partisan media that have been labeling absentee ballot applications as “mail in ballots” in headlines for the last two months.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
4 y
Cpl (Join to see) So far three state level courts don’t agree with the Trump legal team and even the Republican State officials in GA in charge of elections don’t agree with the claims. So as far as I’m concerned it’s nothing but baseless claims by the losing team no different than from the HRC campaign. If a side is gonna cheat they wouldn’t have stopped with Trump, they’d had targeted GOP Senate and House candidates like McConnell, Graham, Gaetz, Cornyn, and Tillis. We definitely wouldn’t be seeing two senate runoff races in GA either. Just saying.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
4 y
You could say that, but I guess depends on the media you watch. Since i'm not tied to any national media, the local sources on line and easily found, as long as you don't rely on google, for each have detailed several incidents of blatant irregularities and software "glitches".
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
4 y
Cpl (Join to see) Yes irregularities, glitches and human error doesn’t equate to large scale systemic fraud. Every election has had small scale irregularities and glitches and errors that have been reported by national and local affiliates. And local affiliates can be as biases as networks. The Sinclair Broadcasting Group proved that with synchronizing certain right wing messaging across all the local markets they control.
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
4 y
Have you listened to msnbc, cnn, nbc, apc, npr, ap and reuters lately. Their message never deviates.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Makes me think our voting system is third world status.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
4 y
And the voting system administration! SSG (Join to see)
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
So did it just become this way or had it been a long term thing? Asking for 2016
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