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Responses: 6
Capt Michael Greene
Many Christian fundamentalists are successfully working on setting up a theocracy now. The most dedicated of these are the Christian Dominionists. These are people who believe in the Old Testament, stoning and all. They are the American Taliban. They would insist most people, including non-DC protestant religions, convert or deport. Their presidential hope was Ted Cruz. He was surrounded by Christian Dominionists and would undoubtedly have put Christian Dominionists in powerful places. BTW, Methodists, Catholics, LDS, 7DA, and Lutherans, you're not "Christian enough" to pass muster in a Ted Cruz theocracy.

Myself, I see a disconnect between the natural world and the supernatural world of ancient mythology, so I look forward to the day when people understand that invisible mystical beings don't really exist. Maybe then, they will take responsibility for their actions instead of saying "God made me do it."

Anybody remember Bush's Office of Faith Based Initiatives? Funneled billions of taxpayer dollars to churches, to increase the power of the GOP. Totally against the Constitution.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
>1 y
Capt Michael Greene Interesting Captain.
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LTC Immigration Judge
Edited >1 y ago
Ted Cruz (who is already planning for 2020) and Trump's running mate Governor Pence sure do. Trump probably doesn't care much, so long as he doesn't pay any taxes.

I know if my beloved secular republic became a Christian theocracy I would leave. Unlike loud-mouth bigoted assholes like Ted Nugent who threatened to leave if Barack Obama was reelected (too bad for us he didn't honor his threat), I actually can leave. I have friends and family in multiple countries, speak multiple languages, my daughter is fully grown and I have no debt. I'm also young and educated enough to find work easily, at a high level, in at least three countries where I'm seriously considering retirement anyway.

I love my country, but I despise the intrusion of religion into government and will not under any circumstance live in a Christian, Jewish, Muslim or any other form of theocracy.
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TSgt Scott Hurley
The history of theocracies is one of tragedy. They say the do good in the beginning, and then they start to oppress the people because what they say is absolute. Iran is an example of a theocracy that oppresses its people. It is bound to come apart once the people realize that it really does not work for them when they are free thinkers. The same will go for a Christian theocracy. Once the people realize it prevents free thinking it will fall.
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