Posted on May 23, 2018
Air Force Commander Fired After Grenades, Machine Gun Go Missing
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 22
CPT (Join to see) "Do you agree with this action?"
Not nearly enough information.
It may be "have little control over whether a grenade box falls off a vehicle " Or it might be he fostered a lack of standards, a routine position of non personal reliability and responsibility, he tasked but did not provide resources to accomplish the task fully, correctly, without incident. Perhaps the unit had been informing the CofC that their vehicles were in poor condition, lacked BII and tie downs restraints, doors and tailgates falling open or missing all together..and the CDR said, POWER ON, finish the task no matter what....
Or yes, he is a public whipping boy in that the issue went public
Perhaps what we don't know is the investigation and financial loss and liability report (or what ever the AF calls it) found the Trck driver, TC and unit leadership at fault, recommended liability, and the IO found the unit at fault as well... The more senior CDR (the one just fired) disagreed, did not accept the IO or FLIPL officers recommendation and made no corrective actions, held no one responsible...and it was later found out he did it, to sweep the whole thing under the rug and avoid higher command finding out???
I can do this all day and support the decision to fire him or point out why its wrong,,,all based on things I have personally seen go down.... But on this one issue and event, just not enough info
Not nearly enough information.
It may be "have little control over whether a grenade box falls off a vehicle " Or it might be he fostered a lack of standards, a routine position of non personal reliability and responsibility, he tasked but did not provide resources to accomplish the task fully, correctly, without incident. Perhaps the unit had been informing the CofC that their vehicles were in poor condition, lacked BII and tie downs restraints, doors and tailgates falling open or missing all together..and the CDR said, POWER ON, finish the task no matter what....
Or yes, he is a public whipping boy in that the issue went public
Perhaps what we don't know is the investigation and financial loss and liability report (or what ever the AF calls it) found the Trck driver, TC and unit leadership at fault, recommended liability, and the IO found the unit at fault as well... The more senior CDR (the one just fired) disagreed, did not accept the IO or FLIPL officers recommendation and made no corrective actions, held no one responsible...and it was later found out he did it, to sweep the whole thing under the rug and avoid higher command finding out???
I can do this all day and support the decision to fire him or point out why its wrong,,,all based on things I have personally seen go down.... But on this one issue and event, just not enough info
Not real sure of the Airforce structure there, but from what remember from the Special Weapons Agency even they had several layers of Commanders before you hit the Group Commander at the O6 level. Can't really agree or disagree without knowing what actions the COL did or didn't take. But I see the often used Airforce reason for canning folks "Group commander, was relieved of his duties May 23 due "to a loss of trust and confidence after a series of events under the scope of his leadership, including a recent loss of ammunition and weapons," Which could mean damn near anything.
MAJ (Join to see)
CSM, if it helps shed some light on the USAF (I'm prior), they do not have several layers of Commanders before the Group Commander. The "Flight Commander" (usually O3/Capt) is not on G-Series orders and holds no UCMJ authority. There is a Squadron Commander (usually a LtCol), then the Group Commander. One subordinate "Commander" before the Group CDR.
Wholeheartedly agree - not enough information to make a really informed decision/opinion.
Wholeheartedly agree - not enough information to make a really informed decision/opinion.
CSM Richard StCyr
MAJ (Join to see) - Thanks, for the perspective. just looked odd, that they (by Army unit standards) would zoom through two levels of command. Being an Army guy the CPT 03 Company commander is usually the first level commander with UCMJ authority, then the LTC 05 Level Commander, usually at a Battalion has another level of UCMJ then the Group or Brigade level Commander at full Colonel 06.
I have always thought this was kind of a weak, knee jerk reaction to any problem.
To the point that I don't even assume the commander did anything wrong until I hear otherwise.
Much like when a commander is relieved when a troop gets a DUI. How was the commander going to stop that?
To the point that I don't even assume the commander did anything wrong until I hear otherwise.
Much like when a commander is relieved when a troop gets a DUI. How was the commander going to stop that?
MSgt Karl Hawes
You can have safety briefings, but that will not change the behavior of some people. Personal responsibility is up to the individual. You can't babysit everyone under your command.
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