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Responses: 3
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
The real issue is that local governments who create the codes have become overun by those who deny the reasons that codes need to be changed.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
>1 y
Some areas have foregone the idea of codes because it means actually thinking about how to create and apply the codes. Much easier to throw up their hands and let big brother do their thinking. Then they can wring their hands and blame the ICC, and government control, when house prices rise.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
>1 y
Maj John Bell I think it is a shame that people who don't have a stake in a neighborhood should tell me how I need to run my "hood".
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
SSG Samuel Kermon - Those of us who live here year around refer to the down-staters that have vacation homes as "fudgies." [There are all kinds of seasonal Fudge shops that serve the summer crowds.] The "fudgies" thought they were protecting the value of their vacation homes. I understand their thought process, but their raw data and analysis is just plain wrong.

Lake side property is worth 3-20 times what a comparable piece of property would be if it has a good reasonably unobstructed lake view. And lake view property is worth 3-5 times your basic run of the mill property. The farmers don't own or lease any property near enough to the high value properties to have any impact on the value of those high value properties.

I am a member of three grange halls and I make a fair bit of money consulting on farming practices in the area. There isn't a serious farmer, full-time or side hustle, whose farm isn't neat as a pin, all that WITHOUT out any zoning codes.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
>1 y
Maj John Bell I thank you and all the farmers. I agree that the successful farms van be identified by the way their equipment looks, the farmyard neatness, and the overall healthy appearance.
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SSG Samuel Kermon
It seems irrational to think "all electric" is the best way to go "green". The cost for the concept is high because the electricity has to be produced somehow and current methods, while a start, are still expensive to build and maintain. This suggests to me that the ICC is looking for incremental, easily supportive, ways to increase energy conservation while using the existing technology more wisely.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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The reason the ICC it’s so scary is because this time they may do something we like... the next time they may do something that doesn’t work for us locally. The bigger problem, is that while they may have some sort of grievance procedure, it is extremely difficult if not impossible to hold him accountable for their actions. MHO
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) and that sir is a problem. I agree that the grievance procedures seem to work against common sense.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Article isn't linking for me, so I can only go off what OP write.

But it sounds to me like they have created a department / cabinet that is able to make up its own rules and laws, without legislative approval or input.

That sounds HORRIBLE, and a bad way to do business. We should never allow bureaucrats to make laws on their own.

*Looks at CDC, FDA, EPA, ATF, etc.*
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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I agree.
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