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Responses: 2
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSG Robert Mark Odom Definitely Not Good News.
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Cpl Mark A. Morris
Al-Shabab means The Youth.
It is Muhammad's orders to form a Caliphate. All Infidels and Jews are targets of the religion/political system of Submission. It does not matter the location.
My post is not PC. It is to help know the enemy of civilization. They can not separate Church from State. They have no concept of it. Check the local Mosques for recruits, funding, sermons and marching orders for war. Don't forget to check the basements for ammo, weapons, explosives and porn.
Off topic: I would recommend, for that terrain, Jungle boots with steal shank and steal toe. Not sandals ladies. Also, light packs with MRE's, gun oil, get a decent cover, estra socks, gloves of some sort, first aid and water. At least, one gallon per person of water for patrol/ambush.
Sometime today girls! I'm waiting!
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