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The Seattle VA also has a comprehensive pain clinic which offers multiple modalities of pain management. For many, these can be effective tools.

The reality is, though, that for some people the pain is so intractable that opiates are the only answer...
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 9 y ago
Yes I certainly did. Sgt Kelli Mays there are a number of alternatives to opiods. I spent a fair amount of time on opiods and I hated the itching, constipation and periodic hallucinations of opiods.
I have been taking gabapentin for 7 years supplemented with Tylenol for the past year [same principle as adding Tylenol to opiods which exponentially increases the analgesic effects].
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Hi Kelli--I recently posted this overview of opioids last week--and it lists a bunch of resources at the end--a number of which discuss alternatives. Please feel free to pull from: http://prismhealthadvocates.com/opioid-epidemic-creation-addiction-treatment-rehabilitation/

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